It's My 3 Year Vaniversary! It's Been An Adventure

in #vanlife2 years ago


Crazy to think that I have been living full time in my van longer than I have lived in any house or apartment in my adult life. Three years is a long time to live with your old man 70 pound dog, who sheds like crazy, but I love him anyway, lol.

That's right. For those who do not know me, or are new around here, I am what the kids call a digital nomad. Long story about how I got here, includes a hurricane and being screwed over by the government. That is a whole other story, but it's been one of the best experiences of my life.

My kids are older, just turned 23 and 18, and live with their mom, so it's not like I have anyone needing to live with me. Yeah, there have been pros and cons for sure, but all in all, it's been pretty cool.

I am getting ready to settle down though. I have one more year in me of this full-time stuff, then it's off to my hometown to basically take over my family farm and turn it into a cash-flowing farm. My daughter is in her senior year so after she graduates and they have their birthdays in September, I will be making my move.

Year 3 Starting With A Bang... Yeah That's It...

This month has started off with a bang let me tell you what, lol. We aren't going to even get into the week before my 40th birthday where I watched my net worth melt away in the crash, lol, all I will say is F*&K UST and Terra, lol.

Guess it's just all the crap in the air or something. First, my brakes had the lick. The problem is, with this wonderful inflation, the quotes to do my brakes on this van were astronomical. I was getting quotes from anywhere from $975-1200... WTF!

Finally found an honest family garage in town that quoted me a solid figure of $650 when it was all said and done. Wouldn't have been that much if I would have paid in cash, they hit me with the debit card fee of 3%, which sucks, but hey, I wouldn't want to eat that either. But hey, I can't complain, they did a great job, gave me an awesome price, and were just great people all around. All of them were super nice.

Then today, fun times, I found 2 nails in my front passenger tire. I know my tires are pretty bad, been doing a lot of driving the last couple of years, but didn't know just how bad they were. Ended up having to squeeze just under another $500 out of my butthole to pay for that, but it's done, lol. Now to get an alignment and hope to god that there isn't anything else going on, LOL. Everything seems to be good to go at this point.

New Job Turned Out To Be A Fail

I had started a new job with a Cosmos validator group being the front man, but with the market conditions, that didn't last too long before I got cut down severely on pay, so yeah, back to having to do some delivery driving at $5 or more for a gallon of gas which is fun to pay for. I am not even sure if I actually make money, but at least it's some income.

Hive has been a savior as far as being able to pay the bills. Hive normally covers my child support payments for the month. I don't like having to do the constant power-downs, so I guess I need to step up the content game to make it up. The plan was to feed with rewards from other staking and DEFI investments, but yeah, have had to sell that too for the most part.

Hitting The Trading Game Hard

Between Hive and trading, those are the two places I am putting my focus for a while to get back some of the earnings that I have been missing out on. I feel confident that I can make money, it's just keeping the capital to trade with. I have some EVMOS (a Cosmos token) unstaking which will be some time, but I will use that to get back into some trading. In the meantime, I will be charting and writing educational posts about the trading business.

My other focus is getting back to my Hive projects and putting some major focus into @blocktunes and trying to do some promotion for @hivelist to get some customers there. Retail has not been doing well, especially in the global times we are in, but we are still here and open for business. We all just need to foster a new economy using services that accept crypto for payments.

Final Reflections

As far as living the van life, I can honestly say that I have been living an adventure just about everyday. If it's not one thing, it's another. You have to keep moving, so you are constantly seeing things from a different angle. I have learned more about myself in the last 3 years than I have in my entire 40-year existence. I am stronger, smarter, and wiser. I have learned skills that I never thought I would need in life, and have been able to use my survivalist experiences from my past to make my van life the best it can be.

You don't need a lot of stuff to be happy. You need time and good relationships. The life can be very lonely at times, but if you are in an area where you have family that supports you, you will never really be alone. Plus having a furry companion is always helpful too! With the 'Great Reset' they say you will own nothing and be happy. I call bullshit. I have heard people say that they promote van life to get people in that mindset, well, that's not it at all. I own everything I have, I just don't have to have much to exist and be happy.

Until next time everyone...

Be Cool, Be Real, and always Abide!

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Congratulations @thelogicaldude and so true, we really don't need much to be happy, it's more about the experiences we have. xxxx

That it is. I love telling stories of stuff I have done and people look at me with jealousy, it's kinda fun, lol. I would much rather have awesome adventures and live a full life then chase after things that really don't matter.

This is awesome sauce @thelogicaldude

I admire your freedom freestyle!




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congrats bro and keep on experiencing joy

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Congratulation @thelogicaldude

Thank you!

Crazy to think that I have been living full time in my van longer than I have lived in any house or apartment in my adult life.

I thought about doing something like this in the past, but I have not tried it so far. Good to see someone on the Hive blockchain with experience. And good to read that it is very good for you.

Plus having a furry companion is always helpful too!

I have a feathered friend. A Harris's hawk. I live with her. We love each other. We literally sleep together.

You don't need a lot of stuff to be happy.

This is true. Sometimes one or two things are enough. My Harris's hawk makes me happy. And the amateur radio too.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

A hawk would certainly be cool… Birds as pets aren’t my thing though. Dated a chick with birds, she ended up being really weird, lol.

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