Curator Changeover 03/13/2022

in #vyb-vcp3 years ago

The VYB Curation Project (VCP) swaps out curators every week to provide a more varied approach to content curation.

Curators have the freedom to vote as they like, with the understanding that all of their outgoing votes will be published in a distribution data post on the @vyb.curation account.


Inside this post you'll find:

  • Confirmation of Curator changes for the upcoming week
  • Information about VYB/POB Delegations to Curators
  • Application Process for VCP Curatorship
  • Feedback Prompts for VCP Curators
  • Details about the @vyb.curation trail and how to support
  • VYB Curation Project recent changes

The Curator Changeover

An Aware Curator is someone who knows that the @vyb.curation trail is following behind their vote.

An Unsuspecting Curator is someone who doesn't know they're being followed by the trail.

The previous week's Aware Curators were: @khoola, @morenow and @joseph23
The previous week's Unsuspecting Curators were: @geekgirl and @finguru

Aware Curators receive a 5,000 VYB and 5,000 POB delegation for the duration of their curation block. Unsuspecting Curators do not receive delegations.

The new Aware & Unsuspecting Curators have been trail followed by @vyb.curation and delegations have been applied for the upcoming week.

The VCP Distribution Data post containing all of the Aware Curator's outgoing votes will be published from the @vyb.hub account through the upcoming week.

VCP Curator's Choice (Call-to-Action)

If you've been curating for the VCP during the past week, you now have the opportunity to share your favourite content from the past 7 days with the whole community.

Please drop a reply to this post with the content of your choosing (one post or comment only) and we'll feature it below.

'@' mentions will be removed during the first post edit to prevent notification spam.

Aware Curator

@khoola's choice:
@morenow's choice:
@joseph23's choice:

Unsuspecting Curator

@geekgirl's choice:
@finguru's choice:

VCP Curatorship Application

If you'd like to curate for the VYB Curation Project, please complete one of the options below as an application and share it as a reply to this post.


  1. What is the account username that you'd like to curate from?

  2. What are the main motivations fueling your desire to curate for the VYB Curation Project?

  3. Are you comfortable sharing personal feedback about your efforts during the curation block?

  4. Do you understand that all your outgoing votes will be shared publicly in a VCP Distribution Data post for the duration of your curation block? (example)

  5. Do you have auto-voting or curation trails set up on the account you would like to curate from? If yes, are you happy to remove these so your curation efforts are 100% manual?

  6. Do you understand that abuse through auto-voting as an Aware Curator (including proxy-voting through curation trails) while curating for the VCP during your curation block as a lead curator, will result in your account being blacklisted from curating in the future?

  7. Do you agree that VCP Curatorship Applications with more detail and information about the person behind the account, provide a greater degree of insight for curatorship selection?

  8. If you are selected for VCP Curatorship, are you happy to receive an on-chain comment reply (to one of the latest comments you've published) from a VCP Admin to inform you of the upcoming curation block you'll be curating in? The comment will be at least 7 days in advance to provide flexibility and potential changes.

  9. Are you aware that it's your responsibility to curate manually with 100% freedom while being followed by the @vyb.curation trail? "Over-rewarding" content, upvoting subjective quality and maximally effective/efficient distribution of tokens are all grey areas; guidelines aren't set for curators so these areas of debate can be explored further.

  10. Will you update the VCP Admin and other curators in the Curator Changeover post about any problems that are causing stress and unnecessary pressure to your current circumstances, so that flexibility and support can be provided to ensure that your health and wellbeing come first before curating for the VCP?


Freedom to write/share whatever you want about yourself as an application. Creativity and self-expression are yours to explore, however you choose. The account that posts the reply is the account that is put forward for curating.

Additional Information

Each week there will be Aware Curators and Unsuspecting Curators chosen with help from the application process. We'll experiment with the new process as the weeks go by and will assess the application flow to further decide on a reasonable method for curator selection.

For example: We could choose 3 Aware Curators per week, 2 from option 1 applications; 1 from option 2 applications. We could select Aware Curators only from option 1 applications and Unsuspecting Curators from option 2. We could select applications that are only verified by the community through some form of the voting process. There are plenty of options to be explored and tested.

Randomization within the curator selection process is a future goal that will assist with decentralization when this process can be set up to provide curator selections on a wider scale. This will be kept in mind as the project develops.

VCP Feedback Prompt

While continued responses are not required as a curator, these feedback prompts below are shared in the post to help improve and fine-tune the VCP curation model. Feel free to use the prompts as aid with potential feedback responses to this post (or go rogue and share your experiences in your own style).

The first prompt is for curators who are currently curating, the second is for curators who have previously been curating, and the last prompt is for curators who are looking to curate in the future.


How are your efforts going so far during your curation block? Are there any issues you are experiencing that require attention from the VCP Admin?


After reflecting on your previous curation block, is there anything you'd do differently? Have you noticed any issues within the Distribution Data post regarding your outgoing votes or how they're presented? Do you have any suggestions that will help other curators during their curation block?


Do you have any concerns about curating for the VYB Curation Project? Are there any questions you would like answered by the VCP Admin before submitting your VCP Curatoship Application or before your upcoming curation block, if so, what are they?

Curation Trail Information

All curators currently active are trail followed by the @vyb.curation account at a 50% scaled vote. This means that the votes of the lead curators will be followed by @vyb.curation at half their voting percentage.

e.g. VYB Curator upvotes content at 80%. @vyb.curation follows with an upvote at 40%. @vyb.curation trail followers vote at their set percentage in relation to @vyb.curation's upvote.

Here are the current trail followers supporting the curation trail and below the image are some examples of how their votes will be applied after @vyb.curation's upvote.

e.g. VYB Curator upvotes content at 80%. @vyb.curation upvotes content at 40%. @onealfa.vyb upvotes content at 10%.

e.g. VYB Curator upvotes content at 40%. @vyb.curation upvotes content at 20%. @doziekash upvotes content at 15%.

e.g. VYB Curator upvotes content at 60%. @vyb.curation upvotes content at 30%. @funshee upvotes content at 15%.

How do I trail follow?

If you would like to support the VYB Curation Project, follow this link to access the curation trail application so you can review the trail. If you have any further questions about the trail, please leave a comment below.

VCP Recent Changes

This section is for recent changes made to the VYB Curation Project during the previous week.

  • @topbooster has been made aware of a method for separating post and comment votes on HIVE SQL, thanks to expert help from @geekgirl. We will be removing comment upvoting settings on curator trails for this upcoming week. This means the Curation Distribution Data post during the week of the 21st will have an accurate representation of post-only outgoing votes from the VCP Curators. We'll be experimenting with comment upvoting methods within the VCP in the following weeks to help boost engagement on the platform.
  • We're testing out a 2 Aware Curator and 3 Unsuspecting Curator set up for the upcoming week with a focus on post-only curation within the following data post. This isn't a permanent change.

VYB Hub Post Beneficiaries

The @vyb.hub account receives zero rewards as staked or liquid tokens since 100% of the post-earnings are being directed towards beneficiaries. The accounts assigned beneficiaries on this post are as follows (further information about these beneficiaries can be found here):

VYB Community Accounts 30%
@vyb.contests 20%

Supporting VYB/POB Projects
@pobscholarship 15%
@vyb.engagement 15%

VYB Hub Ambassadors
@sugandhaseth 5%
@mineopoly 5%
@funshee 5%
@vikbuddy 5%

Creative Commons Licence
[vyb.vyb](this post)