My Wartime Diary. Kyiv, Ukraine

in #warinukraine3 years ago


I had 2 very long days.

  • Yesterday (Mar 11) Nick did not want to stay in the hospital and went back to his position. I was so hoping... 😳 The doctor helped him, and he fixed their massage table.

  • Oh, he grabbed with him a thermal imager, for which we collected money. Thank you my dear friends. 💗 🤗 This is the photo of one of them.


  • A friend who left Kyiv for Lviv a few days ago said that she's leaving for Germany with her daughter and mother, who, like mine, had recently been operated. She is too scared here. This news made me even sadder.

  • All night long, thoughts, thoughts went through my head. I really wanted to sleep, but I never fell asleep. Sleeping on a hard floor in just a sleeping bag is unbearable. The whole body hurts - lower back, back, hips. I don't know how others sleep. I dozed off before the dawn, I dreamed that my dad was dying, and I woke up from my own sobs. My dad passed back in 2000.

  • Last night I dreamed about my volunteering. The war is even in my dreams. And the 9-year-old daughter of my new friend dreamed that she was running away with her parents from the war to Belarus. And there she got lost. She was looking for mom and dad, and one of the passers-by asked her: are you from Ukraine? Hide quickly, or run away, you are not welcome here!

March 12th. 17th day of the Russian invasion.

  • Again, I drove to bring water for coffee / tea, then for a hot meal. I need to fill up the car. It remains to find a gas station.

  • I filled up the car and drove home. Nick has called. He's being transferred to another district and subordination, and he is allowed to go home and have a shower. I was so excited, can hardly wait when it happened. When I came to get him, he got in the car and the first his words were "What soft seats".

  • Finally he is home. All his things smell of smoke. He quickly took a shower, dressed, put on boots. We never wear shoes at home, except for room slippers. He did not even want to sit on the sofa, drink tea or eat with me. It was as if he could not find a place for himself, he was in a hurry all the time. Although he had enough time. It hurts so much to see how he has changed.

  • I took him to new location and returned home. I hope that his new commander will find a better use for him than the previous one.

  • My friend is on her way to the border with Poland. She calls me all the time. She says her friend from Germany purchased something for Nick. Good boots, thermal cloth and socks.

  • Do you know why do soldiers need feminine sanitary pads? I didn't know either. They are used as additional insoles in shoes so that the feet do not freeze. I have a great pain in my back after a sleepless night. I don't think I can volunteer tomorrow. I should probably think about getting back to work. Someone has to earn money. We must pay off our loans, support our mothers, and Natalie.

  • The backpack and boots that are in the photo, Nick bought for hiking. The backpack looks like a military one, but Nick really liked it for its size and thoughtful design. After all, he's an engineer. Once we went to the mountains, traveled. Who would have thought such terrible times would come, and these things would be useful to him as a soldier.

March 13th.

  • It was quite loud and uneasy in the air near me last night. Then, it became quiet, and I fell asleep. I slept in my warm bed at home until morning. Today I'm going to stay at home so as not to get sick completely.

  • At dawn there were several explosions on the outskirts my hometown. Mom and Nat both are okay, although they slept only few hours. I talked to Nat, she said it was loud and she was pretty scared. My poor sweet girl, she is afraid of even thunder and lightning. I wish I can give her a hug.

  • Be careful what you wish for. In recent days, I think about my goals. Former goals. I remember I'd like to lose a couple of kilos. And I also had a goal - to reach 10,000 HP by the end of this year. And I've never felt so sad about reaching a goal, and so quickly! 😨 You know, I talk to people here, and all they agree, that money is nothing anymore. Everything material has become nothing. People value life and freedom most of all.

  • It's Sunday. I finally made myself to get some food as the last time I bought food was first day of war. Phew! It took about three hours. I had a short list and one small bag, but I've purchased much more than I planned, so I have supplies. Non-perishable foods, water, dairy products. Perhaps my appetite and desire to live are returning to me. The range is not too wide, but they have everything. Perhaps I should have come earlier when there is more choice. I bought my favorite yogurt and ate it as soon as I got back.

  • I finally bought lemons and honey! I sliced them into a can and filled them with honey. Now I'm prepared to a cold. But it would be nice to go to the pharmacy anyway. Maybe next time. However, I better stay healthy.

  • Nick stopped off and picked up his stuff. Yesterday he left without anything, just with passport. He's lucky to have a wise wife who washed and dried all his clothes. 😇 He grabbed his laptop, and this is a good sign. He's much more efficient as an highly qualified engineer. I gave him yogurt on his way out.

  • Sirens sound several times a day and every night. But I got used to them a little bit. If no explosions are heard, I continue to do what I was doing. It is said that any habit is developed in 21 days. Is it really possible to get used to war?

March 14th. 19th day of the Russian invasion.

  • Another night at home. I woke up around 5 o'clock in the morning, without any reason. I have heard sounds of shelling, but not very loud, so I tried to fall asleep again. And in the morning I read in the news that the shells hit a 9-storey building in Obolon. This is another district of Kyiv. And the building of Antonov Plant, I passed it by many times these days. Also at night, bombs continued to fall on other cities and villages.

  • My TV provider just disappeared. It turned out that only free TV channels work. The provider's phones do not answer, and the chat is also quiet. But they charged my credit card 3 days ago. Hmm... I wonder what could happen with the whole company.

  • Today I plan to return to work online. I also have to pay taxes and utilities. The economy must work.

  • 11:26 Air raid. I heard the explosions very well. It turned out that another cruise missile was shot down over Kyiv. One person was killed and six were injured by wreckage. It's getting closer.

  • CinC AF of Ukraine: Since the beginning of the open war of the RF against Ukraine, as of the morning of March 14, 259 missile strikes have been carried out on our territory, and 395 cruise missiles have been fired.

  • I try to focus on other things but keep thinking of the last missile shot down over Kyiv. It's a neighbor district. Don't like the idea to left my apartments unattended, but I need to think about moving. My friend that is now in Germany left her boyfriend the keys from her flat in the downtown. This is my plan B. I have no idea what the refugees are taking with them. Documents, money. If you can't take your whole life with you, that is dear to your heart, then what?

  • Good news, the rehabilitation specialist came around to help my back. I feel better now. He also put tape on my back muscles, hope it helps. He didn't allow me to pay. He is so kind and brave as well, driving around the city, volunteering, and giving help for free.

  • Nick has called. His back is also not very good. Now, it's on me.

  • I used to watch the birds, standing on the balcony, listening to their singing. Now there are mostly crows left. Sometimes I see pigeons. Yesterday, when I was standing in the row to the supermarket, a pigeon almost crashed into the man in front of me, several times. Could it be shell-shocked? And today I heard the hawk's call a few times. Long, dainty and sad call.

  • I was about to go to bed when I heard the alarm. It's 7th so far. I'm not afraid of the dark, and I don't need a nightlight. But since the war begin I sleep with nightlight every night when I am at home. Just in case if I have to get up quickly at night and pack up or run away.

See you tomorrow. And I am so grateful for your comments and support and willing to help. I don't think I could have done it without you. 🖤


We would really like to be able to know how to help out and things that you could need.

Hopefully there is a way that we can set up a way to send relief supplies.

Things all over the world are going crazy and everybody is scared for conflict is going to continue to escalate.

We are sending prayers for you and hopefully we can figure out a way to send supplies possibly to Poland and then have some form of transportation to get it out to you.

The whole world is completely shocked and modern War doctrine has been completely it's head.

I'm just glad you're safe and we are sending prayers your way.

Thank you so much for your will to help! <3
Sending is easy, but receiving isn't easy at all. I have a parcel with medicine and vitamins for me and my daughter sent from US. A day before the war it has arrived to our international hub in Lviv, Ukraine. And it's still there, they say they can't send it to Kyiv now. They even can't forward it somewhere so far. Just bad luck with delivery service. There are one or two delivery services that still works here in Kyiv, although the terms are unpredictable. Everything is unpredictable now...

Sending you strength and many prayers.

I'm so gratefull

You are very welcome.

And it is my prayers also that supply routes can get figured out so all of the help that the world is sending can actually reach where you're at.

Stay safe!



Hopefully in the next coming days the tide will turn. We have been hearing quite a bit about the phenomenal success that the Ukrainian resistance has been putting up.


Тримайтесь!! Дуже розумію Вас у переживаннях за Вашого чоловіка! Хай військове везіння буде йому супутником! Хай береже всесвіт всіх наших героїв-захисників!!

Дякую!!! Все буде Україна 💙💛

I hope that one day all this war will end and the people will live peacefully again.

The war has been devastating, I hope peace wins at the end of the day. Please stay safe, I guess you are keeping your coins safe on a trusted and decentralized multi-coin wallet application like that of

Thank you for your care, my dear. This is a good advice. But I don't save my coins now, I donate it to our defenders. My life and health depends on them entirely.

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It is great to see a new post and get an update from you! We eagerly await any words from you and stalk your blog hourly. Glad to hear you, Nick and the family are safe.

Who would be able to sleep on a hard floor night after night under such conditions? Your nerves, stress and tension are keeping you awake and subconsciously playing out scenarios in your dreams. Try to get some sleep even if only "cat naps." Until you see the doctor, do you have anything you could heat up to place on your back and areas where your body aches? Even a water bottle or a strong ziploc bag filled with semi to hot water placed in a second ziploc bag and wrapped in a towel would offer some relief. I realize supplies are few and you need to be creative with what is available.

I've been worried after hearing Nick was injured and went to the hospital a couple days ago. What happened to him? Great news that he has a thermal imager! Has he been equipped with a helmet and bullet-proof vest? Thank goodness your friend will send him good boots, thermal cloth and socks. Sanitary pads as insoles. Who would've imagined? Are you able to get in contact with volunteers here for assistance?

It was almost like a premonition that Nick purchased military style backpack and hiking bootsfor your vacation...

You are a brave woman and our hero! @zirochka💪💙🇺🇦💛💪
I pray that God continues to shield you, Nick and your loved ones and keep you safe.🙏
Sending big virtual hugs and love!♥️

[Promoting your post on Ecency for visibility and support]

Oh, yes, I've read about they created that website - one entry point for volunteers.

I'm so lucky to have you as my friend, dear Nina. Your advices and tips is a real wisdom. The idea with a bottle of a hot water is brilliant, I will try it right away.

Nick has a helmet and a bullet-proof vest. And the division where he was relocated to is better equipped, and I so much hope he will not sleep on the open air anymore. He had a strong backache as he has protrusions in the lumbar region thank goodness his kidneys are fine (or looks fine). The funny thing is that he's got a bullet-proof vest just when backache started, it's damn heavy. And he couldn't wear it.

Thanks a million for your care and your support, my dear! I value it so much!

You are very good person and I am blessed to have you as my friend! @zirochka💕

Happy to offer any tips or assistance that help and provide comfort especially during these harsh times. I hope the hot water bottle suggestion is helping relieve your back and muscle pains until you can see a doctor. I cannot begin to imagine the tension and nonstop nerves in your muscles are under. Try to rest/nap/sleep on the comfortable mattress on your bed when you're at home. I was happy to read you went to the store and even bought yogurt! It's important that you eat something even if you don't feel hungry. Please take care of your health.

I'm glad Nick has body protection (helmet and bullet-proof vest)..Hopefully the new boots, socks and warmer clothes will come soon. Lumbar issues with a protrusion are serious painful. Not sure what pain medications are available or steroid injections since bed restis not an option for him. I had no idea he also recently had a kidney stone. Maybe the boss at the new unit he's been detailed to will make use of Nick's IT computer and engineering skills and have him working cyber intel somewhere safer.

Praying for peace and an end to the war. May God continue to protect you, Nick, your family and loved ones, President Zelenskyy and Ukrainiane!💙🇺🇦💛🙏🕊🌻

Each time I get a reply from you it makes my day and I search your blog for updates!🌹

How nice to hear from you, dear @ninahaskin! Nick's back is getting better. He dove into his new "job", said he is amazed by people's will to help. We don't seem to have a bureaucracy anymore. I'm so happy to be able to see him once in a while.

My back is feeling better as well, after yesterday's visit of a specialist. And I got back to work yesterday as I am the only person now who earn money and support 3 families, although still help to the volunteers from a remote, so my days are busy enough. But now I can sleep at home.

Thanks a million for your prayers, dear Nina!


Не спешите отдавать кредиты. На всех территориях, где русские войска выплаты по кредитам отменены.

Знаю, але кредит нікуди не дінеться. Тобто я сподіваюсь, що не дінеться... І він капєц який великий. А ще борг перед друзями 🙁

I'm glad to hear you all are as well as you can be in such a situation.

I wish the war gets ends soon. I never thought we'd be witnessed such a tragedy at this modern age. May the almighty save you all.

зворушливо, дякую, що поділилися, привітання з Індонезії

I wonder why they do not give them wool socks, I think those would provide better insulation than the pads

Guys have wool socks, not smartwool but fabric contains wool. The thing is boots also matters. If it's just a cheap leather or leatherette without insulation, the feet will remains wet and therefore cold. Especially if they have to stand on the open air with minus degree.

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I have a feeling that whatever I say sounds terribly stupid and inappropriate to what you are living there, in your home and your town. I wish with all my heart that this nightmare will end and you will resume your normal life, even if it will be different from now on. Courage and confidence!

I have a feeling that whatever I say sounds terribly stupid and inappropriate

I know this feeling very good, this is why I often remain silent. And this is not the only way to support. Thanks a million for your donation ❤

With all my heart!

Sending little bits of HIVE LOVE to all those who are going through this nightmare in Ukraine. stay strong.


I have a strong believe that one day this fight will end , everything will be okay and people will starting live in a peaceful life

You have no idea how relieved I am seeing your update. I wish this nightmare to end soon.
The war in its ugliest reflects the soul of the madman who started it. Stay safe my friend!

Thank you, dear one!


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Oh dear, there are no words left. Keep your strength!

I am So Very Happy Your hanging in there in these terrible times!
I am Happy You got to see Your husband!
Please Stay as Safe as Possible, and Take Care of You as well, for Yourself and the help You give others!
All of You are in My Thoughts and Prayers!

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Everything will come normal soon.

Just stay strong, and have faith that fate will prevail.


Hopefully these sanctions on the Russians end this ASAP..its went on to long its a genocide and its sick..Putins gotta be stopped

I just found out that Telegram may not be safe for Ukrainians to use. Maybe this is old news, but it was a surprise to me, and I think it is important to spread the word that Telegram should be avoided for communication you would not want to fall into enemy hands.

Since this article is dated Feb 25, this may indeed be very old news to most Ukrainians. However, this is a stressful time and maybe someone reading this didn't yet get the memo.

You might be right. And during war time I used not to write in a messenger things that cannot be found in an open sources.

Great to hear you and your husband are still safe. Take time out for yourself if you can. ❤❤❤


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Thank you for giving a sign that you are well. Kisses and blessings. Take good care of yourself please, stay strong beautiful friend. I don't know what to tell you anymore, I just want this to be over for you, if I feel this way, I don't want to imagine the others. What a relief to hear from your husband and that you have been able to reunite at home. If you feel you can't try to rest somehow, I know it's hard, but you must stay well so you don't get sick. Take care of yourself my beautiful. Peace and freedom to your nation. Free Ukraine...💕


This is an incredible diary, particularly for those who are only able to get news from filtered sources. Hopefully you won't need to keep it for much longer.

Definitely very interesting usage for the sanitary pads!

If Indonesia can contribute to relying on ground troops, they can help the Ukrainian people to be evacuated to a safe place. this applies to the Indonesian ground forces because they are not taking sides. I believe Indonesia can take on this role for the sake of humanity.

Evacuation is possible not everywhere. The occupiers are shelling humanitarian corridors, trains and civilian vehicles. I don't know how to get to Indonesia from here. Except by plane. But where is the guarantee that the Russians won't shoot it down the same way they shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17?

I feel sad and concerned to hear about you and the people there. how about heading to poland. maybe UN humanitarian workers should move quickly.

You said Nick was at the hospital, what happened??? Am glad that he was moved, and now gets some time to take care of himself. I pray things are better soon.


Backache. He has a protrusion. He also recently had a kidney stone removed. But now he says he's okay, although I don't believe it. Ohh, can't be helped. "à la guerre comme à la guerre"

Maybe you could convince him that he could help more people in a non combat role?


All I can say - I'm working on it, and praying.
Thank you so much for your care <3

Just keep your eyes open for a place that you think would fit, I know it'll come up ❤️

That's right friend, cling to God and pray a lot for all this to end!!! Don't stop writing and keep us informed of how you are doing!

Hey @zirochka, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

These diaries are so valuable for the world to hear. Sorry for your troubles.

well now you can say your blockchain participated in a war

Could you cash out $HIVE to support your life at the moment?

Yes I can, our banking system works fine.


That's great to know. Then we can say we are behind you with more confidence. Bless you. 💪💪

Just hold out a little longer @zirochka. Putin and the Russian leadership got more than they bargained for…with Ukrainian resistance, Russian losses, and NATO sanctions, weapons and intel.

Putin will have to negotiate peace with NATO and Zelenskyy, because the longer he waits, the more the Russian military will be degraded and bogged down in an insurgency war. I feel NATO will allow Putin a way out…so he saves face, and slows down or halts kinetic operations.

Just a little longer @zirochka, and then you and your people will breathe easier.

Stay frosty in the meantime.

If you need to switch to plan B, our offer still stands. We have a free room here since the kids left... you can use it whenever you want.
Here in Belgium lots of new initiatives are started daily to help refugees (papers, financial support,...) so I could help to find your way in the bureaucracy...

Thank you, dear @pixelfan, I have totally forgotten about your offer, just look at me! Now I will remember, and I am gratefull with all my heart. This will be my plan C. And still hope I can stay here ... until our victory.

Of course we all hope you can stick to plan A and that all this mess is soon over. If only one Russian had the guts to pull the trigger in the Kremlin...

If only. Well, I have a good feeling about it...

Thank God both of you are ok. I've been worried about you. I'm glad you got the chance to spent some time with your husband. That back pain is going to get worse if you don't take care of it, but then again, sleeping on the hard floor is not recommended either. You're a hero, just so you know!

Using pads to keep your feet warm? 😳😳😲 This is something to keep in mind as one day it can come in handy.

Stay safe my friend and try to take care of yourself as you need to stay healthy. Hugs my friend!! ♥️🤗

Its been a week since I contacted with a kind of a doctor that can help my back. But he's a very busy person. I was hoping he can make it today, but he wrote he won't have time to come to me. Maybe tomorrow.

Using pads to keep your feet warm?

They use it as insole. And I wish you will never need it and have this info just for fun )

Your comments are like a sunbeam, and trust me, I look forward to hear from you too <3


@zirochka(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

LUV in the dark? The confirmation-reply may soon be turned off. This would be to conserve and replenish Resource Credits. Even while operating in the dark, your LUV command will still go through as usual. You can always monitor LUV in your wallet, at explorer A or at explorer B, or best, in real time at the luv-log channel on Discord.

Tap to help.

It hurts so much to see how he has changed.

I'm sure the war has changed every one both inside and outside of Ukraine, however I'm sure you and Nick have changed to become stronger and more resilient. I can feel how tough it is for you but don't give up, you have the world behind you to support you. Take care and stay healthy and strong 💗

Thank you for your words of support, dear @livinguktaiwan 💛

I look forward to write about travels, to take and share photos... Hope I will still like to do this. Let this nightmare finish quickly

Yay! 🤗
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I wish so much that there was something I could say or do to help. I think of you every day. I am glad you got to see Nick. It sounds like he is in his own emergency mode, which is probably healthy to cope with the situation.

You mentioned going back to work, but is that even an option at the moment? It sounds like chaos. I know that we all must worry about finances, but it seems like you have bigger priorities still at the moment.

I hope you stay safe. We all hold our breath waiting for your updates. ❤


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 96 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Радий за Вас! Впевнений, що інженери зараз значно цінніші. Тримайтесь і ПИШІТЬ!, весь світ спостерігає за Вами, це ТРЕБА використовувати.

Як все закінчиться, обов`язково напишете про відпустку в карпатах та незабутні повторні подорожі по Стамбулу. Та і маленька Сона, вже давно нічого не розповідала.

Про економіку гарно підмітили, ще один мотив Писати. З практики, для гарно сну можна використовувати виступи Арестовича та Кіма відразу пред сном. До зустрічі в коментарях.

Дякую )) Так, уже почали розуміти, що добровольків треба потроху сортувати за скілами. І це добре. А інженери, та ще й зв'язківці, на війні тим більше потрібні. А насправді писати важко... Я почуваюся як заложник свого ж блогу ) З іншого боку, це свого роду психотерапія. У психолога люди теж в основному просто розповідають.

Як все закінчиться, обов`язково напишете про відпустку в карпатах та незабутні повторні подорожі по Стамбулу. Та і маленька Сона, вже давно нічого не розповідала.

Не знаю, ким я буду після війни. Добре, якщо хоча б буду. Соню я до речі брала із собою у волонтерський центр, але не змогла викласти ті фото. Не знаю точно, чому.

Арестовича і Кіма я слухаю вдень ) На ніч намагаюсь про війну нічого не дивитись, вистачає звуків за вікном. Взагалі дивитись відео чомусь важко. Легше читати.

Добре, якщо хоча б буду...

Відставити паніку, ми не на Титаніку :)

Взагалі дивитись відео чомусь важко. Легше читати.

За собою і за іншими людьми помітив аналогічну ситуацію. Думаю це своєрідне пристосування необхідне для виживання, щоб не відволікати слух, який зараз перетворився на основний із видів сприйняття інформації. З іншої сторони, після відео морально відпочиваєш значно краще.

Бережіть сон, якщо є можливість запасіться легкими снодійними (що знайдете: рослинні препарати із вмістом хмілю та/або пустирника; Похідні мелатонінку (агнесті, віта-мелатонін); чи анксиолітики (атаракс, ноофен/бифрен, мебикар) на крайній випадок гідазепам та похідні фенобарбіталу: корвалол/барбовал). Краще починати в тому порядку, що я написав. Сон - найкраща профілактика для нашого психічного здоров'я.

Маю ще одненьку таблетку гідозепаму і тріттіко щи якось так. Але боюсь, що засну занадто місцо і не почую щось важливе. Тому краще так.

Сьогодні маю план Б - поспати в коридорі, де правило 2х стін. Якщо і там буду.боятись, то поїду до подруги в центр переночую.

Хороший список препаратів до речі ) У мене давно проблеми зі сном

Триттіко в дозі 50 мг - прекрасний вибір (1/3 таблетки) для відновлення сну в сьогоднішніх умовах, Я б зупинився на ньому.

Так сьогодні і зроблю. Деколи мені просто треба почути ще чиюсь думку. Дякую Вам!

The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

I am so happy to see a post again! I am glad you got to see Nick, even for a moment. Sorry you can't get in to see your doctor, hopefully soon so that you can feel a bit better. I pray life gets better. Soon. Sooner than that even.

Pads? Really? :) I can see it!

I am glad your mom and Nat are doing okay. They will stay? I went to send $$ tonight and I am having trouble with my hivesigner. I will try again before I go to bed. Much love, our hero. Do what you can for your back until you see the doctor. I hate to say it, but, try not to do the floor tonight. xo Denise

Mom and Natalie will stay. Mom underwent coronary bypass surgery before the war. She has diabetes and she's 77, healing is slow. She can't even go down to the basement when she hears the alarm. She can't go anywhere. I'm glad that Nat is there with her.

Last night, it was worrying in the air near me. But closer to the night it became quiet, and I fell asleep. At home, in my bed. And slept until morning. Today I want to stay at home so as not to get sick completely.

I went to send $$ tonight

You are a generous soul and a big heart 💖 And my beam of light in this nightmare. Thank you so much for your support and donation! If you didn't yet, hold on. The day before yesterday, humanitarian aid began to arrive - cloth and medicines. I wish you were here and just give me a hug xxx


The day before yesterday, humanitarian aid began to arrive - cloth and medicines.

That is so wonderful!!! Please let me know if you are getting enough. I hope you are using the hot water for some relief on your back and you are just taking it easy today because you need to take care of yourself, so that you can help others. ❤️

The bottle with a hot water helps, I use it as a massage roller as well. However, I suspect that back pain is also a sign of psychosomatics. It returns immediately when I hear a siren or bad news in the morning.

My lovely friend💖 Your body is talking to you. You need to listen to it, so that you can help. Not today grt well first


@zirochka(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

LUV in the dark? The confirmation-reply may soon be turned off. This would be to conserve and replenish Resource Credits. Even while operating in the dark, your LUV command will still go through as usual. You can always monitor LUV in your wallet, at explorer A or at explorer B, or best, in real time at the luv-log channel on Discord.

Tap to help.

@zirochka(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

LUV in the dark? The confirmation-reply may soon be turned off. This would be to conserve and replenish Resource Credits. Even while operating in the dark, your LUV command will still go through as usual. You can always monitor LUV in your wallet, at explorer A or at explorer B, or best, in real time at the luv-log channel on Discord.

Tap to help.

The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

all our hearts are with you

I owe you an apology. Could not be here much in the weekend as we had a family event, but I've been able to read through the updates and the comments. I'm glad Nick is not at a better unit and has a bullet proof vest and a helmet. These are much needed. Plus the thermal camera! This is huge, could be life saving.

Maybe working online will be good for you for awhile, give you the opportunity to rest a little, even though I suppose you'd better go to the volunteering center to help. You need to take care of yourself as this madness is not going to end tomorrow, unfortunately.

I'm glad you still have electricity and internet, as both are essential. Spring is coming soon, so the cold will not be such a huge problem. It is heartbreaking to know you and so many are living in these conditions.

Thinking of you every single hour and hoping we can help you get through this terrible situation. Let us know if we can help. Till then, take care of yourself, stay safe, stay healthy and most of all, keep updated. ♥️🤗

You really must unwind, and appreciate every happy and peaceful moment of your life, so don't worry.

I tried to work, and sometime I can, but I am distracted by something all the time. Someone asks for help, then aa alarm and I hide. Today, I don't ignore those warnings. But work is my thread with the old life.