Best friends on the block. I've been a bit absent the last few days. And wasn't in the mood. To make cheerful mail. But today I feel a little more creative again.
I have 2 types of weed for today. The amnesia and the white wookies
above see the amnesia and below the ww
They are similar in color and appearance. The amnesia is slightly more humid. And works completely different than the white wookies. the amnesia gives energy and the ww is for the relexing
For clarity above the ww and below the amnesia
Okay now what I have myself. The silvermack and I set her at 12 o'clock yesterday. So the magic is about to begin.
look at those veins on that leaf. yes she looks great in the light. better update later this week.
Everyone the best. until the next post. Do you have any questions or just want to comment? go ahead.
for now bye