Do governments genuinely appreciate it when people engage in open and free discussions? I highly doubt that... Otherwise, they wouldn't be so eager to gain access to the backend of social media apps and instant messaging platforms. While Facebook seems perfectly fine with these entities scrutinizing its users' conversations, Telegram appears more reluctant.
I'm not entirely sure about Telegram's unbreakable status, but considering CEO Pavel Durov had to flee Russia after resisting pressure from authorities requesting access to Telegram servers, the app might be reasonably secure. I've used it alongside Signal for a few years now and have no intention of ever returning to Facebook or any of its associated apps again.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov is set to appear before a judge on Saturday evening, facing multiple charges, including terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, and child abuse content.
French media report that Durov, a dual French and Russian citizen, could face up to 20 years in prison.
His arrest is attributed to Telegram's lack of content moderation and his failure to cooperate with French law enforcement.
The charges stem from a search warrant issued by the French National Directorate of Judicial Police.
As Europe burns with violence, where criminals like assassins and rapists are rarely imprisoned while ordinary citizens face consequences for sharing memes, it's clear that our world is a joke. The system's corruption has become glaringly obvious – they no longer even attempt to hide it.
Authorities crave access to your transactions, messages, and thoughts, all in the name of combating terrorism. Yet when terrorists are apprehended, they're seldom punished. Just recently, a self-proclaimed Syrian asylum seeker killed several people and injured others in Germany. And in London, a video surfaced showing a man stabbing another individual walking with his child and dog while bystanders filmed and laughed – all immigrants.
Yet these incidents don't seem to bother the authorities much. What really irks them is their inability to access Telegram servers.
Why is this chaos unfolding? It's simple: chaos allows for greater control and manipulation. This orchestrated madness is by design, and I'm convinced of no other explanation.
The parallels between Pavel Durov's situation and those of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are striking. I'll continue using Telegram as long as possible, ignoring the "terrorism fighting" propaganda. If authorities genuinely cared about terrorism, they wouldn't have welcomed so many terrorists into Europe in recent years – it's that straightforward.
Thanks for your attention,