mfontom in #hive-182074 • 8 hours agoThe Holy Week 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW It is good to study biblical histories. But I personally decide to play down on most of the controversial stories and histories in the Bible. The reason is I do not want my faith…mfontom in #hive-106316 • yesterdayMy Personal Weaknesses. #Memoirmonday 41Personal weaknesses are the drilling huddles on our paths to success. Before we can be the person we intend to be, we have to scale these huddles and overcome them. I wonder if…mfontom rebloggedchristybliss in #hive-182074 • 2 days agoWhy Do The Well Educated Not Understand God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW God has not given the ability to understand His word to everyone. The wisdom of this world is naughtiness before God. God choose the foolish ones of this world to confound the…mfontom in #hive-182074 • yesterdayHoly Week. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Luke 9:23 (KJV) And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Believing in the holy week is a…mfontom in #hive-168869 • 2 days agoPutting My Talent To Work. #weekend-engagement 236It is my pleasure being a part of the Weekend-engagement Week 236 . You are also invited to submit your entry. I am givingmfontom rebloggedsanjeevm in #hive-194848 • 2 days agoHelp and help will come for you when you need it mostThe most valuable lesson from minimalism that's applicable forever - and it's not money alone. WE have been using this natural medicine from quite some timfontom in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoProving The Existence Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW. The Eternal Power Of God Is Revealed The entire creation reveals the existence of God. The eternal power to God is revealed by everything that exists. We cannot deny…mfontom in #hive-182074 • 4 days agoProving The Existence Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.God exists! He reigns in heaven and earth. He is the Creator of everything that is (both nonliving and living). The Lord is the Living God. He is the Almighty. We know as the…mfontom rebloggedstefano.massari in #hive-146620 • 4 days ago13-12-2024 - Computer Basics - Analog-to-Digital Conversion [EN]-[IT]~~~ La versione in italiano inizia subito dopo la versione in inglese ~~~ ENGLISH **13-12-2024 - Computer Basics - Analog-to-Digital Comfontom in #hive-106316 • 5 days agoEdet Lives In Calabar. #MemoirmondayThe initiative of #memoirmonday by @ericvancewalton has been bringing questions that dig deep into our history. It tasks our memories and tries to awaken the forgotten events of our lives. We have hadmfontom in #hive-182074 • 5 days agoHow To Deal With Problems Calmly. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.There is no peace in the world What is in the world is a deceptive peace. There is no peace in the world. What is reigning in the form of illusion, drugs, foolishness, lust…mfontom in #hive-182074 • 7 days agoHow To Deal With Problems Calmly. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.We should be calm; we should have peace in every situation. We should not have anxiety. We should not have worries. We should be calm and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.…mfontom in #hive-182074 • 7 days agoHow Can We Understand The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The Word cannot be understood through human wisdom. We cannot use our reasoning to understand God's Word. The wisdom of man is foolishness before God. They cannot unfold the…mfontom rebloggedhiventhusiast in #hive-182074 • 8 days agoDOES GOD WANTS ALL THINGS TO HAPPEN INCLUDING EVIL....#TopicReview!These teachings is directly anchor on the fact of our free will, Bro Eli began with an answer to that question saying of course not, nit everything that happens is Gods will…mfontom rebloggedsisjane in #hive-182074 • 8 days agoWhy Is There So Much Suffering. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.There is so much suffering in this world because of our sins. We are suffering because of our injustice. There is so much sin in the world. There is disobedience. There is…mfontom rebloggedcyclope in #hive-182074 • 8 days agoNo hagamos nada por contienda o vanagloria. || Let us do nothing through selfish ambition or vain conceit.LINK Are you learning to trust God's plan and somehow be happy with the plan that God has prepared for your future?mfontom rebloggedchristybliss in #hive-182074 • 8 days agoI Want To Do Good 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Before we can stop doing good and begin to do God’s will, we must be regenerated. We must have our minds renewed by the Holy Ghost. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that can…mfontom rebloggedcyclope in #hive-182074 • 9 days agoJesús, el Príncipe de Paz. || Jesus, the Prince of Peace.LINK Jesus Christ is the only mediator between us and God, Jesus has prepared the way, he is the way to the Father. 6 For unto usmfontom in #hive-182074 • 9 days agoThe Beauty Of Holiness. Part 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Worshiping God in the beauty of holiness means to worship Him in a spiritual way of worship. This is the highlight of bro Eli Soriano’s answer to this all important question. We…mfontom in #hive-182074 • 11 days agoThe Beauty Of Holiness. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.When we behold those who are living their lives in sin, we will notice that their lives are ugly. Unrighteousness is ugly. Unholy life style is ugly. Sin is something very ugly.…