We can live in good health. We can have a healthy life. Our body can be healthy till we die. We do not have to die of sickness. We should not be weak and feeble. Our body can be strong and sound.
In the Bible, we have heard of Moses who walked with God. He was not sick. He lived healthy. He was not feeble. The Bible says that he was very strong at 120 years. There was no sickness in Moses. Even his eyes were not dimmed.
It is possible for us to enjoy good health. We just need to listen to the guidelines which are given to us in the Bible concerning our food. We should learn the right manner and habits concerning our food. We should not eat carelessly.
It is scientifically advised that we should not eat with a heavy heart. We should release every burden from our hearts so that the food we are eating can benefit us. It is not good to eat with a troubled heart. It is not good to eat with a heart that does not have peace.
The possibility is there for us to enjoy a healthy living all of our days. We should not be sick and weakling. Having a healthy life is God's plan for us.