simplegame in #leofinance • 4 hours ago@simplegame "they are okay with the platform failing. they are ..."they are okay with the platform failing. they are just trying to get as much out of it as they can before it crashes.magnacarta in #leofinance • 6 hours ago@magnacarta "Is this the InLeo equivalent of Fiverr?..."Is this the InLeo equivalent of Fiverr?brofund in #pimp • 8 hours agoI think we'll get there. The building is happening, for sure.onealfa in #leofinance • 9 hours ago@onealfa "o. Not my. I have no idea who made this. ..."No. Not my. I have no idea who made this.monkmasters in #leofinance • 11 hours ago@monkmasters "Awesome idea!..."Awesome idea!ahmadmanga in #leofinance • 14 hours ago@ahmadmanga "Can you give me examples of what type of content u..."Can you give me examples of what type of content undermines the network? ...I believe HIVE users should be allowed to use the HP they bought or earned as they see fit. If they…dkid14 in #leofinance • 14 hours ago@dkid14 "I’ve wondered the same thing. ..."I’ve wondered the same thing.bradleyarrow in #leofinance • 15 hours ago@bradleyarrow "I cannot dirrectly answer that but some people in ..."I cannot dirrectly answer that but some people in general just don't give a shit.vundote in #leofinance • 15 hours ago@vundote "Smart move ..."Smart movethatboyjake in #leofinance • 19 hours ago@thatboyjake "I don't think it can if it's worth zero dollars bu..."I don't think it can if it's worth zero dollars but I'll test that theory 🤔kbieber in #leofinance • 21 hours ago@kbieber "Never heard of it before but if it's going to stay..."Never heard of it before but if it's going to stay at 0 it'll be hard to tell if it'll be converted or they'll be an exchange platform for it. But you'll never know when these…connorman in #leofinance • 22 hours ago@connorman "But hasn't anyone bought it yet?😳 How can it be a..."But hasn't anyone bought it yet?😳 How can it be a crypto and at $0.00 🤯🤯🤯tomonchain in #leofinance • 23 hours ago@tomonchain "i haven't tried something like this before but I r..."i haven't tried something like this before but I really want to find out😂 so if you own a piece of these, I don't know if you could change it let me go researchbradleyarrow in #leofinance • yesterday@bradleyarrow "IN the driveway, but yes. lol ..."IN the driveway, but yes. loljustcallmekevinn in #leofinance • 2 days ago@justcallmekevinn "Bound to be as big as PEPE. Let me save a seat for..."Bound to be as big as PEPE. Let me save a seat for myself on this ride then 😍😍😍 thanks man this is good motivation for me to staystayoutoftherz in #hive-121566 • 2 days agoDanke!kuskorevival in #leofinance • 3 days ago@kuskorevival "#freedom Crypto can help anyone reach financial fr..."#freedom Crypto can help anyone reach financial freedom and control their money. I don't want the government talking about crypto taxes🏃🏃🏃justcallmekevinn in #leofinance • 3 days ago@justcallmekevinn "so if they want the tax they should just ask Aquam..."so if they want the tax they should just ask Aquaman he'll do a perfect job🤣kbieber in #leofinance • 3 days ago@kbieber "The bull run is indeed raging. I see lots of coins..."The bull run is indeed raging. I see lots of coins go up and the funny thing is it's not even altcoins season yet, so I'm expecting serious bull run indeedwinemaster in #leofinance • 3 days ago@winemaster "The market cap for cryptos combined is enormous ma..."The market cap for cryptos combined is enormous man. Crypto is one of the fastest growing assets on earth. Anything with great utility will rise so high hopes for $HIVE