A cherished bond. CNF #97.

in #hive-17079828 days ago

I met Suzanne whom I fondly call Suzy during a stressful time of my life. My family and I had embarked on a journey to the village for new year celebration but we encountered a mishap with our car.

The vehicle was fine when we left Lagos during the early hours of that fateful day but on getting to Edo state, the vehicle began to wheez and cough like an asthmatic patient and finally it stopped moving. Dad triedl touching this and that but nothing worked. Finally we were able to get hold of a car mechanic but it was already late.

The mechanic examined the car and told my parents that nothing could be done till the next day. Fortunately for us, he took us to a police friend of his who allowed us to stay rhe night at his house. His daughter Suzanne was very cheerful and we clicked instantly. I was too dazed to sleep and she was willing to keep me company. We talked about a lot of things until finally we both fell asleep from exhaustion.

The next day, I woke to find out that dad had gone to meet the mechanic to fix the car so that we can be on our way but up till 4pm that day, there was no good news. When dad finally returned home, he said that the mechanic would need a week to repair the vehicle because the engine knocked.

"What! So how are we going to complete the reat of our journey? I asked in panic.

"We would have to continue the rest of the journey by public transport" Dad said.

Later that night, after dinner, dad called an improptu family meeting where he disclosed that the money in his account would not cover all our fares especially with our luggages. Then he pleaded with me to remain with Mr Itohan's family (the police man who haboured us) while he would take the rest of the family to the village, promising to come get me when he has been remunerated.

I was not pleased with this development but I had no choice. Since it was only a matter of days, I agreed. But what was meant to be a few days stretched to two months. After the first week with no response, I cried but Suzanne's presence was comforting. She made sure to include me in all of her activities. She did not allow me wallow in anxiety and I was glad for her friendship.

The car that was left with the mechanic was also at a standstill because the mechanic claimed he had to replace the engine and dad had not sent him the money. I had nightmares about the my family but Suzannes was right there beside me, helping me get a grip of myself and my sanity. Sometimes I wondered how she was able to keep calm in such a situation. Even Mr and Mrs Itohan were worried as they could not reach my parents.

"If not for the love and bond shared, I would have thought that they abandoned me". "Stop these wierd thougts Becky, I'm sure there's an explanation for why they are taking this long to return" Suzanne said. "I hope so" I murmured.

After much anticipation, I fell for Suzanne's spell and began to lighten up still hoping to hear from my parents soon. Finally, my parents made contact with Mr Itohan who rushed home to share the good news.

"Good afternoon sir" I greeted him.

"Good afternoon dear, I can see that you are adjusting to Benin life very well and that's good of you. I've got good news! Your dad called and explained what happened to them on their journey".

"Really! What happened that kept them away for so long?" I inquired witu a mixed feeling of happiness and anxiety.

" Your dad said that a passenger mistook their luggage for his and took it with him to another state. It wasn't until your parents arrived at the park that they noticed that one of the luggages was missing. In trying to reach out to the passenger, your dad's phone battery died and there was no electricity to power the phone. Your parents spent the whole of January trying to locate the missing luggage from the unknown passenger and only just did so. Your dad left the phone with one of your uncles alongside your siblings. They are at the park now waiting to board the next available bus to Benin. They said they would be here soon and you should be ready."

I ran back to the room and leapt for joy, the anxiety of two months forgotten. Suzanne also laughed with me saying"i told you not to worry " to which I replied "Yes, you did". She helped me pack and arrange my suitcase, she alao packed some garri, unripe plantain and palm oil for me. True to Mr itohan's words, my parents arrived that evening and it was a celebration. I went into daddy's girl mode as I told my dad of how worried I was. The rest of the night was spent in merriment as shouts of *thank God * flew about.

Early the next morning, my family and I left Mr Itohan's house to the park where we boarded a bus headed for Lagos. I promised Itohan that I would contact her as soon as I arrived and we both hugged and promised to remain friends. In the vehicle, I couldn't help but reminisce on how Itohan helped me through thick and thin. I will cherish these memories I whispered, as the bus took a right turn out of Edo state and onto the highway.

Thanks for reading.

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Two months sha!
Separation anxiety incoming!

Yes it did come...lol. I can see you're joining our slang now boss boss 😁

Well I like the odd word and that is easy to remember.. what's slang for honey


There's nothing more sweeter than a lasting friendship, am glad d your parents came back for you and you also made new friends

Yes me too, thanks.

A whole two months!
I can't even imagine me experiencing that.
Thank God the unknown passenger was later found.

Yes but it was really difficult but thankfully my parents managed to get the luggage.

Thanks for stopping by bro 👍

Those sweet memories are what will keep the bond alive.

Exactly. She still calls me mama worry worry till date, lol

Nothing beats having people who can watch your back when it's needed. Two months was a long time and your friend's family really did well for you

They really tried in accommodating me. Thanks for your comment 👍



Some people are angel sent out way at a posing in our lives

Indeed they are thanks

This is really seriously.
You are truly a strong lady.


That was so serious. I had to put myself in your shoes while reading this. You really tried and you’re a strong one. But it was really a nice read.

It wasn't funny back then o but I'm glad all returned to normal.

Thanks for your comment

A pleasure

This is touching, I can only imagine how you felt then, the joy that you were going home only to face such mishap, but Suzy filled a precious space in your life to help you cope.

Wow, you really tried. It mustn't have been easy for your parents to leave you behind. Good thing you were able to meet with that beautiful family.