bezkresu rebloggedhallmann in #hive • 11 days agoKBK bridges the gap between on-chain and off-chainEN: We still have 7 days left to collect votes under the Kingdom's proposal (number 324). Currently, we have 183 of them with 6.87 million HP. Still not enough. I guess we don't…bezkresu rebloggedhallmann in #hive-189306 • 12 days agoOUR LIVE STREAM in an hour!In just one hour we will begin a live stream dedicated to the KBK proposal . We have invited some guests. We will be answering all your questions. You can ask them here (in…bezkresu rebloggedhallmann in #hive-193212 • 16 days agoDaily Hive meetups? It's possible![EN/PL]EN: The Kingdom's proposal has already received 161 votes worth more than 5 million HP. This is not a small amount. Thank you to everyone who voted. However, on the scale of…bezkresu rebloggedhallmann in #polish • 9 months agoTale Contest [PL/ENG]PL: Jednym z najkrótszych promptów, których używam w Midjourney jest "tale". Wpisuję to słowo głównie wtedy, gdy chcę uzyskać jakiś nieprzewidywalny, ciekawy obraz. Nie zawsze…