Creating a Meaningful Digital Footprint

in #hive-176874last month

In today's world, an online media presence is essential. It seems like almost everyone has a social media account now, unless they live in a remote location without Internet connectivity. It reminds me of communities we have been able to empower with Hive yet haven't seen lots of the residents on Hive also exploring to know more about Hive.
It would have been wonderful to see many people sharing their daily experiences about how the empowerment project has impacted their lives in their communities. As much as we would have loved to see this, the project wasn't initially intended for onboarding. Notwithstanding, we still made strides in onbaording people about when we shared about the project during Hive conferences, other platforms.

Last year, we got the opportunity to present about the social impacts of Hive in Amsterdam. For many business folks who heard about the wonderful achievements of Hive the project sounded an incredibly awesome achievements by a blockchain. This made lots of people to begin learning more about Hive. The effects of these project extends widoet and significantly. Most people don’t realize this, but these projects can be a compelling reason for people to believe in Hive's potential to change lives.There are those who wish to be part of Hive but often times are constraints by some factors which includes a lack of Internet access(for those in the deprived areas) and lack of financial literacy.

Additionally, not everyone fully understands the blockchain technology and how it works. This lack of basic understanding of blockchain can deter people from getting involved. Even those who already know about the technology and have an established online presence may still find Hive complicated and time-consuming. It's normal for new users to perceive Hive's experience as demanding and their potential to earn something from their engagement as a hard feat. But today, it’s crucial to for everyone to recognize that the world has become a global village where everyone is connected. Most of our engagments is now take place online. Not having an online presence on any digital platform would be like the world is moving forward while you remain in place.

This because everything seems to revolve around the internet, and social media is where we do most things like connecting with friends, getting the latest news around the world, sourcing some helpful information, doing business of all kinds and many more. As much as having an online presence is important it's not enough till you are able to make the most of it. Our attention is now the market of social media players. Being active online can make a significant difference and lead to meaningful outcomes if your resources (attention) is well-utilized. By using social media wisely, you can make your online experience worthwhile.

Some users may feel lost on platforms while others profits from their presence and engagement. This happened to be the case of most web2 platforms which is mostly centralised with central players dominates. It's a complete opposite of what Hive is about. As decentralised platform, it distributes decision-making and benefits more equitably among its participants. This democratic structure promotes a fairer environment and enables users to have a direct stake in the platform’s success. As a result, Hive provides opportunities for users to build their digital presence and make a tangible impact, both socially and financially.


Hive has touched lots of lives and left positivity alone, more people need to onboard the platform.

Hive has always been something that's sounded fascinating to me as a project since it's Steem days, but trying to understand how it functions from a technical standpoint, or even newer features like voting for proposals and the DHF leave me feeling a bit confused at times.

That's why we could use more projects like the , it could be very useful to have a place for new and existing users alike to get a better understanding of the network and its applications without having to look around dozens of different posts across the years.