Necesitamos escuchar la voz de Dios ¿Cómo lo hacemos? || We need to hear the voice of God. How do we do it?

in #hive-18207422 days ago


The first step is to spend more time and meditate on the word of God, in this way we will learn to listen to the voice of God.

4 The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I might know how to speak words to the weary; he will awaken me morning by morning, he will awaken my ear that I may hear as the wise.

Isaiah 50:4

We must be aware that we often speak more than we hear, that is to say we are better at it, but we also know that communication with God is both speaking and listening, and he fervently desires that his children listen to him.
We learn well that the Bible is the main instrument that God uses to speak to us, that is why it is so important to study the word of God. When we frequently spend time studying the word we are developing the mind of God, a spiritual discernment that connects us with God, we hear the voice of God.
There are times when we think that God has to speak loudly for us to hear Him, but if the voice of God is not our priority, it is practically impossible for us to hear Him. We have to pray and ask Him to teach us to listen to His voice and then practice it. We also have to practice stillness so that, like a radio, we are tuned to the frequency of God. We achieve this by feeding ourselves daily and meditating on His word. All of this transforms our mind, our heart, and sharpens our spiritual senses to clearly hear the voice and direction of God.

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

As we put this into practice, we develop a spirit sensitive to the voice of God and we can hear Him in the stillness of calm as well as in noisy and restless moments. This is a vital skill that we must develop to receive God's guidance and direction in all circumstances. Reading God's word, meditating on it, and crying is more than we can understand; it is also a source of blessings for our lives. All of this leads us to hear God's voice more easily.



El primer paso es pasar mas tiempo y meditar en la palabra de Dios, de esta manera aprenderemos a escuchar la voz de Dios.

4 Jehová el Señor me dio lengua de sabios, para saber hablar palabras al cansado; despertará mañana tras mañana, despertará mi oído para que oiga como los sabios.

Isaías 50:4

Debemos ser conscientes que nosotros muchas veces hablamos más de lo que oímos, es decir somos mejores en eso, pero también sabemos que la comunicación con Dios es tanto hablar como escuchar, y desea fervientemente que sus hijos le escuchen.
Bien aprendemos que la Biblia es el instrumento principal que Dios utiliza para hablarnos es por eso que es demasiado importante estudiar la palabra de Dios. Cuando con frecuencia pasamos tiempo estudiando la palabra estamos desarrollando la mente de Dios, un discernimiento espiritual que nos conecta con Dios, escuchamos la voz de Dios.
Hay veces que pensamos que Dios tiene que hablar bien fuerte para que le escuchemos pero si la voz de Dios no es nuestra prioridad es prácticamente imposible que le escuchemos, tenemos que orar y pedirle que nos enseña escuchar su voz y luego practicarlo, practicar también la quietud para que de alguna manera como una radio estemos sintonizados a la frecuencia de Dios y esto lo logramos a través de alimentarnos diariamente y meditar su palabra, todo esto transforma nuestra mente nuestro corazón y agudiza nuestros sentidos espirituales para escuchar claramente la voz y dirección de Dios.

27 Mis ovejas oyen mi voz, y yo las conozco, y me siguen,

Juan 10:27

A medida que llevamos esto a la práctica desarrollamos un espíritu sensible a la voz de Dios y podemos escucharlo en la quietud de la calma como también en los momentos ruidoso e inquietos. Esta es una habilidad vital que debemos desarrollar para recibir la guía y dirección de Dios en todas las circunstancias. Leer la palabra de Dios meditar en ella llorar es más de lo que podemos entender, es también una fuente de bendiciones para nuestras vidas. Todo esto nos lleva a escuchar la voz de Dios con más facilidad.

Muchas Gracias por compartir esta lectura, deseo que el Espíritu Santo de Dios traiga revelación de su palabra a nuestras vidas.


i use to imagine how God spoke to the people of old, say Abraham, we read in the bible how God speaks to him and he will be communicating with God as if its just a mere conversation between two men,....was God speaking outloud in in conversation ? Or was God speaking to Abraham in his heart? Like Abraham talking outloud with his conviction?....pls @cyclope i'd like to know.....

Today God speaking to us through various means, his word, the holy spirit, dreams and vision etc...thanks for this insight

@eminentsam48 We have the Bible as the main means of communication from God to us. Who would say that He would not speak to us as He did to Joseph in his dreams? Perhaps with an audible voice, through someone or something.
We must contrast everything with the Word of God, the Holy Spirit of God, which reveals the Word of God to us, guides us and teaches us. Should we discard all the possibilities in which God communicates with us? A hug and Blessings!

How could the sheep survive without hearing the voice of the shepherd? This is why we need to hear the voice of God regularly.