gifu in # • 4 hours agoBtw, you can now use the !GIFU command since you are a big staker :Dgifu in # • 4 hours agoSorry for the late reply. It was a bot bug, our bad, we think you will be ok now! Feel free to follow us on discord or twitter to notify us if it isn'ttrumpman in #lgn • 14 hours agoI believe you will be ok now 😆 Please let me know if not !acesontop in #hive-148441 • 18 hours ago😁trumpman in #lgn • 19 hours agoI will see why and get you hooked up 🎉trumpman in # • 20 hours agoWell here's some !GIFU We have weekly buybacks, regular burns and a real usecase. Oh holders on hive engine also get votes seven months strong no rug. Yet.theiam in # • 22 hours ago♦️ You got 0.01 FELT for sharing high vibes on Hive. 📋♦️ FELT Infotheiam in # • 22 hours ago♦️ You got 0.01 FELT for sharing high vibes on Hive. 📋♦️ FELT Infotheiam in # • 22 hours ago♦️ You got 0.01 FELT for sharing high vibes on Hive. 📋♦️ FELT Infothebighigg in #themorningbowl • yesterdayNow that's a nice bong hit to start the day. Start the day with a smile!zekepickleman in #hive-151602 • 2 days agoAh watering Wednesday is on brand and as good as watering Wednesday. I usually hit the bong when the party is in full swing. You nailing it in the morning must make for a party all day!hivebuzz in # • 2 days agoCongratulations @davedickeyyall! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s) You published more than 4400 possgt-dan in #leofinance • 2 days ago@sgt-dan "I only smoke Indica as the Sativa makes me too hyp..."I only smoke Indica as the Sativa makes me too hyper. It helps a great deal with my alcohol cravings.sgt-dan in #hive-151602 • 2 days agoI had someone give me a mason jar of weed as he was quitting. Very good medicine for sure. Have a great week my friend.acesontop in #hive-151602 • 3 days agowe're in the same boatgiveyougifu in # • 3 days ago(5/5)@davedickeyyall! @epic-fail wants to share GiFu with you! so I just sent 20.0 SWAP.GIFU to your account on behalf of @epic-fail.epic-fail in #hive-151602 • 3 days ago!PIMPepic-fail in #hive-151602 • 3 days ago!GIFUsummertooth in #hive-151602 • 3 days ago#meme of the day prize goes to @davedickeyyall 🏆 You really are #winningthebighigg in #themorningbowl • 3 days agoYou tried on the clock anyway, better than not trying at all! Sounds like it time to repot your pot today! !lol