A Haiku Poet in the Making: Follow Sunday

in #hive-140084last month

With this post I want to make a suggestion of someone to follow. It's Sunday morning here on the far side of the world, so I suppose I can't quite consider this a follow friday post, but consider it of the same idea.

A year or so ago, I managed to convince @boxcarblue to start posting on a more regular basis again. At the time I was very happy to see him start to post haiku poems. I don't know if my haiku fanaticism made him curious enough to try his hand at it or if he was always curious but I just provided the push to publish his own on the blockchain. Either way, he has been posting a handful or two of poems every week since that time.

If you've never read his work, I can't recommend him enough. His haiku are always very good.

For those who don't know, I have been posting about haiku since I landed on the blockchain eight years ago. They say go with what you know, and I embraced that idea. At first I was posting about these short poems daily, but within the past fear years I've tuned that down to weekly as I explore other topics in my other weekly posts. Sometimes I share my own haiku, but usually I instead translate a classic haiku from Japanese and write about it a little. While I do write haiku for myself daily, I really don't consider myself a very good poet.

boxcarblue, though, is fantastic! Once again, I can't recommend him enough. Also, he recently had two of his haiku published. If you go follow him, also give him a big congratulations.

haiku poet.jpg
Not quite what I had in mind, but the mention of "haiku poet" in my request to ChatGPT probably confused it. Everyone know all haiku poets are Japanese and wear kimono all the time, after all. Vaguely female kimono at that (men's kimono don't have designs like that photo nor are they bright colors)

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at laspina.org. Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.

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Quite interesting

@boxcarblue does does a great job doesn't he? Not being much of a poet myself it's nice to see the stuff you guys produce!

I love his work. Have loved his work from the very first time I read it, in blockchain poets community. I can't believe it took me five years to encounter you here. I was active with the bananafish group for a long time. Did you ever post with them? I learned a lot from him.

There were a lot more people in the Steem days, so it's no surprise. There are a lot of folks I also never encountered until after the Hive fork. I did post in bananafish a few times. But I was also running my own haiku contests at the time and doing a weekly renga event with The Isle of Write (a splinter group from the old Writer's Block) so I didn't do bananafish on a regular basis. Had some nice talks with that guy, though.

That was pretty Ku 😂 !PIMP !DUO !DOOK !BBH

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You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 8/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

!wine #Haiku 😉👏

oh thanks for the recommendation, i will have to check his site then.
hope to read more of your haikus in the future too

Thank you for tipping your hat in my direction. Hopefully, there’s been some improvement in my poems over the past year-and-a-half.

I recently went back and read through all of the tiny poems I’ve written and was pretty appalled by some of the things O was doing a year ago. 🤣

I guess that comes with posting daily. There is always a deadline, so for better or worse, I write and share something.

I always like the original haiku you share. You should share them more often.