owasco rebloggedthoughtfulposts in #hive-109288 • 3 months agoThoughtful Thursday Prompt #19Happy #ThoughtfulThursday everyone! Looking for something to write about this week? Well, we've got you covered!owasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 3 months agoMemoir Monday #32 (10/14-10/20) - How has your worldview evolved over time?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observatioowasco rebloggedronthroop in #hive-186308 • 4 months agoEpilogue to New BookGot my book published, Making Friends With Wild Dogs: Reflections on Stuckism for its 25th Anniversary . The definitive opinion on Stuckism:) Signed copies available through…owasco rebloggedwrestlingdesires in #hive-161155 • 4 months agoFarm FoxShe curled up on top of the largest pumpkin in the shed. Unable to sleep, the young fox stared at the loose board in the floor. Underneath was a tunnelowasco rebloggedmyjob in #hive-161155 • 4 months ago5 minute freewrite 2492 prompt zero interest in youThis is my post for #freewriters 2492 prompt zero interest in you hosted by @mariannewest Let me read something I wrote to you and I start reading and she startsowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 4 months agoMemoir Monday #27 (9/9-9/15) - What is your best relationship advice?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observationowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 5 months agoMemoir Monday #24 (8/19-8/25) - How did you get your first job?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observationowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 5 months agoMemoir Monday #23 (8/12-8/18) - What do you consider one of the best days you can remember?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observationowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 6 months agoMemoir Monday #20 (7/22-7/28) - Which fads did you embrace growing up?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observatioowasco rebloggedronthroop in #hive-186308 • 6 months agoPolitical StuckismDevolved Revelers of the Uniparty 2024. Acrylic on cardboard, 16 x 16" Still proofreading and editing my upcoming book. Another book waits to be written—*Poor Ronnie’s Anti-Ethnic Cleowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 6 months agoMemoir Monday #19 (7/15-7/21) - What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observatioowasco rebloggedkatharsisdrill in #hive-161155 • 6 months agoThe HouseThe house had always been there. It was made of stone and wood, and had no doors, so the children climbed in through the windows when they wanted to play inside the house. The…owasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 7 months agoMemoir Monday #15 (6/17-6/23) - Do You Believe in Miracles?Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usuaowasco rebloggedthoughtfulposts in #hive-109288 • 7 months agoThoughtful Thursday Prompt #1Happy #ThoughtfulThursday everyone! Looking for something to write about this week? Well, we've got you covered!owasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 7 months agoMemoir Monday #14 (6/10 -6/16)Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observationowasco rebloggedronthroop in #hive-186308 • 8 months agoThe Art Critic CriticizedMonday Morning King of the Class War 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16" Recently Charles Thomson, quiet painter from North London, posted a link to a review in The Sunday Times , about a paiowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 8 months agoMemoir Monday - Week Twelve (5/27 - 6/1)Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observatioowasco rebloggedericvancewalton in #memoirmonday • 8 months agoMemoir Monday - Week 11 (5/20 - 5/26)Memoir */ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observationowasco rebloggedronthroop in #hive-engine • 8 months agoTo Exhibit or Not to ExhibitThis past autumn and winter I opened my house on Friday evenings for a Stuckist mini-exhibition of the week’s painting output. I encouraged others to bring their art along to show and teowasco rebloggedronthroop in #hive-engine • 8 months agoMother’s Day When a Virus Kept My Mother AwayCovid Daffodils 2020. Acrylic on paper, 12 x 16" Written on Mother’s Day, 2020 at the height of the unvaccinated pandemic: One fine spring day this flawed human being i