debolu in #hive-127788 • 2 years agoMeet The Meek Mib. (Cont'd) Living in a suburban environs isn't always poor. I dived into a foot-paved route right behind my house and was enjoying the fresh breeze of the weather. In fact, it's my favourite weather of alldebolu in #hive-127788 • 2 years agoMeet The Meek Mib.Amidst my trying times, when the days will switch to night while the sun still shines. It has been raining days for months even in the harmattan. One of my favorite singersdebolu in #ocd • 2 years agoE Go Soon Clear!Has it gotten so dark that it blinds the heart? Where is that ray of hope in your mind? Has it varnished into the absolute darkness? Where is that voice of victory and love that blares it utmosdebolu in #hive-163772 • 3 years agoMissed the first rain of the year?So, was it the dishes or the laundry that kept you away or your children at the backyard yelling so hard that you couldn't hear the rain rumbling and roaring like the fierce lion…