Transforming Triggers Into Tools (The Announcement of My New Book!)

in #story4 months ago

I’m very excited to announce something I was beginning to think I might never do again….

Write another book.

After releasing Mindful Moments in 2021, I told myself I wouldn’t write another non-fiction book unless I felt an extremely strong connection to the subject matter and thought the book could add real value to peoples' lives.

As I’ve seen developments in A.I. continue to grow exponentially I couldn’t shake the thought of how incredibly unprepared humanity is for the unfathomable changes artificial intelligence will soon bring about. So this new, as yet untitled, book project checked those boxes for me.

This project will be a guidebook for navigating this new age of artificial intelligence while keeping our humanity and sanity intact. Humanity is about to be upended in so many ways and we're going to need some help navigating this new paradigm.

As I have done with my previous two books (The Perfect Pause and Mindful Moments), Hive will be the incubator for this project.

Periodically I’ll be releasing drafts of new chapters of the book in blog form. This is the first. I hope you enjoy it and I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working on a project like this again. I feel this subject matter will be desperately needed in the next few years. This book will also serve as a good finale in a self-care trilogy (The Perfect Pause, Mindful Moments, This New Book.)

Feel free to chime in with any feedback or ideas for new chapters along the way! As always, thanks to the Hive community for your incredible support. The idea has now been released into the universe...LFG! 😊

Transforming Triggers Into Tools

Triggers—each of us have them. Those stubborn, intense emotional responses that seem to occur without us even realizing. It can be a certain word or phrase someone says to you during a disagreement or that person on social media who shares an opinion of something you don’t agree with. Triggers manifest as unconscious reactions to words, situations, and memories that bring up past wounds or unresolved trauma.

Instead of viewing triggers as mere disruptions to our peace, or inciting reactions that are beyond our control, we can harness them as powerful tools for emotional/mental health and personal growth. By understanding and working with our triggers, we can transform them from something that holds us back into catalysts for becoming a better version of ourselves.

Understanding Our Triggers

Triggers are reactions that are, often, rooted in the past. They spring up from trauma, unresolved conflicts, or deeply ingrained beliefs. When triggered, we might experience a myriad of reactions like – anxiety, anger, sadness, or even physical symptoms like a racing heart or nausea. Our reaction to triggers can make us feel embarrassed and feel like we’re not in control of our own emotions. The moment we begin to recognize these responses as red flags of issues we need to work on rather than just reactions can provide valuable insights about how we can begin a journey to healing ourselves.

"The effects of unresolved trauma can be devastating. It can affect our habits and outlook on life, leading to addictions and poor decision-making. It can take a toll on our family life and interpersonal relationships. It can trigger real physical pain, symptoms, and disease. And it can lead to a range of self-destructive behaviors." -Peter A. Levine

Steps to Flipping the Script and Turning Triggers into Tools

  • Identifying the Trigger: The first step in flipping the script on triggers is to identify them. What really sets you off? Pay attention to things that evoke strong emotional reactions. Keeping a journal of these trigger points can help you to understand exactly what needs to be worked on.

  • Understanding the Source: Once a trigger is identified, realize the irrational nature of your response. Delve deeper into its origin story. Ask yourself, "Why does this situation make me feel this way?" or "What past experiences caused me to react like this?" This introspective exercise can reveal unresolved issues or beliefs that need attention.

  • Practicing Mindfulness: Developing a greater mindful awareness of your triggers can prevent autonomic reactions. Techniques such as conscious breathing, meditation, or simply pausing before responding allow you to create a space between the trigger and your reaction. This pause provides an opportunity to choose a more thoughtful response.

  • Reframing the Experience: Instead of viewing triggers as negative or damaging, see them as what they are, opportunities to become a better you. Each time an unreasonable response in you is triggered it’s a chance to understand yourself better and to address the underlying issues. Reframing a trigger in this way can reduce its power over you and transform it into a constructive force.

  • Seeking Support: Sometimes, we simply can’t do it alone. Some triggers are connected to deep-seated trauma or significant life events. Working with a therapist or counselor can provide professional guidance in navigating these complex emotions and developing coping strategies.

Benefits of Using Triggers as Tools

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Understanding your triggers deepens your awareness of your emotional mind space, allowing you to recognize patterns and underlying beliefs.

  • Emotional Self-Regulation: Learning to respond rather than react to triggers improves emotional regulation. This instantly gives you more control over your life by not making you a slave to your emotions. It will also make you a better listener, and will deepen your connection with others.

  • Personal Growth: Working through our triggers promotes healing and growth, leading to a more balanced and resilient mental and emotional state.

  • Improved Relationships: Recognizing and managing triggers can lead to healthier and more balanced relationships, as you become more aware of how your reactions affect others.

Triggers can bring us pain, they can be an impediment to our mental health and balance, and can spark profound embarrassment. Triggers also hold great potential for personal growth if we just think about them a bit differently. By identifying, understanding, and working with our triggers, we can transform them from sources of pain into extremely powerful tools for building a better life. Embrace these triggers not as enemies but as the universe's way of telling you, “Here, this is exactly what you need to work on.”

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Gif sourced from

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As Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” This can apply to unresolved trauma as one can make very bad decisions based on the things that trigger them. I've seen that in myself as well as in others. To me, the most challenging part is pausing long enough to understand what is it that triggers me in a certain situation. I am working on it...

That quote is so true. Mastering it is definitely a process. I’m still not totally “there” either, some of those triggers have extremely deep roots.

Growing up and even till now, I still admire the people who always write books because trust me, it's not always easy because it requires a whole lot of dedication and hardwork

Excellent, my friend! Thrilled to be reading your new book!

Thank you!


Honestly I've always admired authors who dedicate themselves to writing books. It's not an easy journey, but the growth and insights gained are invaluable. So proud of you good friend and I'll say good luck and enjoy the journey.

Embrace these triggers not as enemies but as the universe's way of telling you, “Here, this is exactly what you need to work on.”

Love the idea of flipping triggers into growth tools. i Can't wait to read the book!!

Thank you! Yes, absolutely everything in life is determined by the lens in which we see it. Pretty incredible how much power we have in that regard but most people don't realize it.

Triggers huh...

I try to pull the trigger on my triggers...😂😂

Wish you well on your new book !PIMP

Aw man @seki1, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Lol! Thanks, I appreciate it!

It is always interesting to read new things

Triggers are really cool as I have actually come to discover that it really helps to shape us to become a much more better person we can be

Oh wow how did I miss this?!! This is so exciting!! <3 I can't wait to get a glimpse into the new book, Eric. I'm so happy for you.

Thank you @honeydue! I must be a glutton for punishment even thinking about writing another book. Lol. Honestly, I was so energized after making the decision that I knew it was the right choice. I really think something like this will be needed. The average person has zero clue about how much A.I. is going to impact their lives and the governments are doing little-to-nothing to prepare them.

<3 Knowing you, I bet it's gonna be a great read.

That's very kind of you to say!

Excellent project! I'm looking forward to witnessing your journey, and more importantly, how you put the pieces of the A.I. puzzle together. I'll add another benefit to your list of using triggers as tools as this one is a game changer in my life: 'Changing Perception Boxes'. Once I look at something from a different perspective and keep scanning for further lenses, things change massively. Plus, this enables me to switch between the boxes and leverage "the trigger" so to speak.

Thank you! I don't expect the book will come together too quickly but I hope to have some sort of first draft by the end of this year. I expect beyond human-level A.I. to be announced next year (even though it's probably already here). You're right, these things create a paradigm shift that sets you on an entirely new course!

If only we had real time reminders to maintain a grip on our sanity in times of 'trigger'. Sometimes that shit can flip so fast it's frightful. Always a work in progress lol

Congratulations on the new book! Getting the intention out there is the first step! Sounds like it will be a good one

Thank you! That would be so helpful to have those reminders. Learning to pause sometimes after we're triggered can give us the time to change our reactions. It's funny, once you start doing that the reactions start to seem absurd. I used to get triggered in traffic all the time and still struggle with it sometimes. People think road lines, signs, and rules are "suggestions" now. Lol.

hahaha rules for thee but not for me syndrome.

Sounds like a useful book for many.

I feel this way about "negative" emotions that are not the triggers you are talking about, but rather moments born of a present situation. Take sleepless nights for example. If I can't sleep because I am behind on paperwork, which I loathe doing and procrastinate badly, I don't medicate my sleep, I use the sleepless night as motivation to get the paperwork done. All these things, triggers and emotions, are the body/mind/universe connection giving us instructions on how to proceed. Hm. Thanks for the thought. I like it.

Good luck! I'll be reading along here,

I hope so. I've been thinking about it for a while now. I'm getting increasingly anxious the more I learn about how much A.I. will change our society. The world is thoroughly unprepared for what's coming and the governments aren't taking the necessary steps to mitigate it.

Great idea to surrender to the insomnia and put the time to good use, that way of thinking is very Zen-like. : )

Thank you! I can't tell you how energized I feel now that I've announced the book. I already have ideas for three chapters.

In connection with the death of my young nephew I have been reading about family constellations and old traumas and it is amazing how all events, no matter how unusual they may seem, have a connection to our past. I tell you that all my life I have been afraid of cats. It is a phobia that makes me cry and scream with fear. The worst thing is that cats chase me as if in another life I had been a witch. hahaha. But this irrational fear comes from a childhood trauma, which I had forgotten, but my mother remembered: when I was a child, a cat fell on me and scratched my back.
I love that you're thinking of doing a new book and that we can read it here on Hive. I congratulate you. Best regards, Eric

I really believe that our past can rule us, until we're ready to make peace with it. Animals are so pure and unclouded that they can sense fear or when someone is uneasy around them. I have a horrible allergy to cats and I'm usually the first one they want to jump up on! It never fails. Lol. Thank you, Nancy!

Thank you for allowing us to be the first to read your new book, Eric!
I am the most calm and tolerant person around, BUT, there are triggers I need to work on, that caused me unnecessary embarrassment, thankfully rare happenings.
One of the tools, mindfulness, yes, I need to remember, and also your closing words:

Embrace these triggers not as enemies but as the universe's way of telling you, “Here, this is exactly what you need to work on.

Brilliant as always Eric, you have a rare gift, and the fact that you discovered this and are sharing it with the world is a miracle; a topic I still have to tackle, but something I'm looking forward to, could end up in a very long blog!

Wishing you all the very best with your new book.

You're welcome, Lizelle, and thank you for the praise! I still struggle with people in traffic but am getting better. : )

You're not alone on that one ;)

Thank you! I have high hopes for my 53rd trip around the sun!

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It is true that often triggering factors can make our actions good or bad. Good luck in your life, Eric. Have a nice day.

Thank you Eliana! I hope you are having a good week!