Harvests, Barn Spiders, More Shoveling, Door Knob, PDC, Wheelbarrow Tire, Level Shed, Scooter, Trailer - Friday

in #hive-11430811 days ago

Watched the PDC yesterday morning while getting my post done then headed out to get the harvests done. They have been if nothing else rather consistent but also not swamping us in produce.


While it was cooler I headed to the shed and while removing the dirt from the old footer it suddenly broke away on one side so I pulled all of it.


I then looked up at my level I had left overnight and there was this big barn spider in the middle of her fresh web and she had just caught a fly and was injecting it.


Then she spun it up in web real quick and I stepped away for a moment and when I turned back she had bolted up to the wood with her bundle.


With the shed lifted it screwed up the wall with the door which required blocking to keep it the right width. It also meant the wheelbarrow couldn't back all the way in but it turned out to be best that way. With the fan hung in the door it pulled the air from the window and kept the dust down much better than the prior day.


After 4 loads of dirt removed I called a break to rest my back. I'm TRYING to learn...


J's door was bugging me and I roamed the farm looking at all the doors and measuring them in case I could swap the door, but in the end I found the inside door in Studio A had a set I could scavenge.


It barely fit, like nearly doesn't and barely has a tip of the latch sticking out. BUT it works so that is all that matters and J is super happy.


I got to watch Barney's match which he won very easily, much more in line with how his form used to be.


I went out after noon to shovel more dirt and I got the wheelbarrow totally filled with a pretty heavy load and went to push it only to find the tire was totally flat. In just the hour since I used it the tire died. So I had to pull the tire off which was a pain in the ass since the bolts were all button head and I had to use vise grips to hold them to get them loose. The wheelbarrow had to be braced s I didn't lose all the dirt.


I was rather stoked to find I actually had a spare tube in the shed which soon was in the tire and aired up.


I found machine bolts that just barely fit length wise with the threads and needed some washers but they can be removed FAR easier. I also oiled the wheel bearings which makes the thing roll SO MUCH nicer. I actually have to be a bit careful now as I approach the edge of the hill to dump the dirt.


Rocks were everywhere and this one massive one got yarded out from under the wall. I still have to get it out of the shed.


In trying to decide how to support the wall I came upon a pair of big pressure treated boards I have that are 6 feet long each. I was able to get them under the studs of the wall, leveled with solid rocks beneath to support, then the shed set on them.


I still have a lot of work to do on the end walls now and the soil level in the shed is too low so I have to add dirt back in. Everything I took out was needing to come out as it was all really old chicken and rabbit leftovers. This is now just plain dirt. BUT the good part of it all is that I still have to excavate the dirt away from the wall with the window so that dirt will get thrown in through the window then leveled.


The first parts of the scooter build arrived and I quickly got the throttle installed. I plugged a battery into the controller and the throttle and made sure it lit up okay. The motor comes today and then the hard part of making it fit and work will happen.


The barn spider under the carport is huge and has super cool looking striped legs. She is eating very well.


I noticed I was needing to get beer so I ran up to the gas station then hooked up the trailer one back on the farm.


After the day of work I had ZERO desire to cook so I ordered a pizza from Backroads just up by the gas station and @stryeyz went and picked it up on her way home from work.


Soaking was very nice and I abused myself with the theracane to work on the knots and sore muscles.


I have been to town for grain this morning and had a first in a decade of grain getting happen. The grain is emptied and once this is posted I go out to harvest, then keep working on the shed, PDC is on mid day, I hope to build shelves in the shed today, need to move branches and trim bushes, and then work on the scooter.


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Oh I’ve always wanted a barn! With or without spiders! :)

Two of my sheds are most likely 98 years old and in need of serious TLC which this first one is the worst condition. The larger garden shed gets forest swallows nesting in the same place behind one of top outer boards every year.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!