giono in #hive-141359 • 5 days agoCHILDREN ARE HAPPY WHEN IT RAINS 🤔Hello everyone how are you? I am very grateful that I am healthy again so I have free time to write again. Maybe it is the influence of my aging age that my body can't stand…giono in #hive-150329 • 9 days agoOh! This Is The Reaso🤔I often complain why in my old age I still have no bright spot, that was my feeling yesterday but after I knew the answer I could laugh to myself maybe this is the result of my…giono in #hive-107801 • 10 days agoMerasa TuaDulu ayah tiri saya pernah bilang kalau umur sudah 40 tahun ga sukses berarti sudah ga ada kemungkinan lagi untuk jadi orang sukses. Aku ga tau itu benar atau hanya mitos yang…giono in #hive-150329 • 11 days agoResponsible Small TradersHello everyone, how are you? Who doesn't like a clean place? Maybe only flies and cockroaches like dirty and smelly places like this. But unfortunately, most of the people around…giono in #hive-107801 • 12 days agoStrategi Bisnis Yang Suek Halo sebelumnya dan maaf sesudahnya bukan maksud saya mengajari layaknya anak taman kanak-kanak. 1+1=2 atau 2+1=3 Itu adalah ilmu matematika yang pasti keakuratannya tapi kalau…giono in #hive-107801 • 13 days agoDunia Sikut-SikutanSedikit malu hari ini setelah lama aku ga fokus nulis di platform ini, semoga saja ada yang masih mau baca tulisan jelek saya😉 ![](giono in #hive-107801 • 3 months agoKUALITAS MENGIKUTI HARGAAku istirahat di rumah sudah dua puluh lima hari, sungguh sebuah kenikmatan yang menguras seluruh tabungan saya karena keadaan itu pula saya harus berangkat sekarang. Perjalanan ke Bekasi kagiono in #hive-141359 • 3 months agoGREEN BEANS 🥜 FROM MY MOM’S CREATIVITY ♥️Ever heard of the little humorous sayings green beans? If I'm not mistaken although small but hard shape. Does any reader dislike the tiny but versatile green beans? Really a loss if someogiono in #hive-150329 • 3 months agoMy Restless AfternoonThis afternoon my chest feels tight at all not because of a cough or me getting asthma. In my heart I still have not sincerely left my village, this is my last afternoon before leaving for Bgiono in #hive-107801 • 3 months agoMirip Kapal PecahLihat foto depan saya serem yah? Disitulah tempat kerja istri saya kalau pagi hari. Sangat berbeda dengan para istrinya yang baca, yang punya gaji gede dan punya kitchen set rapi dan mewah. ![]giono in #hive-107801 • 4 months agoStasiun Kereta Punya Siapa Sih?Halo semua apa kabarnya? Pagi ini saya jalan-jalan sendirian untuk mencari udara segar. Alih-alih jalan pagi aku ingin mendatangi tempat yang sudah lama tidak aku sambangi. Sejak saya merantagiono in #hive-141359 • 4 months agoHELPING WIFE WITH WORKWhen I was in Bekasi, I really wanted to go home to see my wife and children. The feeling of longing mixed with tiredness made my body easily sick, without thinking twice, I went home with somgiono in #hive-141359 • 4 months agoWAYANG KULIT IS GETTING MORE WORLDWIDEHello everyone, how are you? I hope you and your family are always healthy and have more fortune, amen. Tonight I am with other residents watching a wayang kulit performance, wayang kulit is agiono in #hive-141359 • 4 months agoANNUAL EVENT IN MY VILLAGEHello everyone, how are you? Today the village is holding a shadow puppet show. Let me share a little story about my village tradition. In my village, shadow puppets are not just a show but hgiono in #hive-150329 • 4 months agoPILGRIMAGE TO THE GRAVES OF ANCESTORSHello everyone, how are you? I hope readers don't get bored reading my writing. It's been a week since I returned to my hometown, but it feels like just yesterday I knocked on my door. In my hogiono in #hive-107801 • 4 months agoMenggali KuburSelamat pagi temanku semua apa kabar saya berharap dalam keadaan baik-baik saja. Hari ini tetangga jauh saya meninggal dunia. Yang meninggal adalah tetangga jauh saya memang bisa saja saya mengiono in #hive-141359 • 4 months agoTREATMENT BUT FUN 😂Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are all healthy and stay enthusiastic. This morning I will go to the PUSKESMAS to check my swollen hand which is infected with nail fungus. Because I dgiono in #hive-107801 • 4 months agoRahasia Nganggur Tapi Bahagia Indah benar hidup saya punya istri yang selalu memanjakan saya. Di pagi hari getuk lindri dan rokok sebungkus sudah tersedia. Yah beginilah keuntungan saya yang pintar mencari menteri perekonogiono in #hive-141359 • 4 months agoMY FIRST DAY IN MY HOME VILLAGEHello everyone, how are you? I hope you are all well. I have been living in Bekasi for almost five months, which makes me miss my hometown so much. This is my most memorable first day, I willgiono in #hive-141359 • 4 months agoFOR MY PROMISE TO THE STRAY CATHello everyone, how are you? I hope you are staying healthy and your fortune is increasing, amen. Today I am doing my tiring activities such as sleeping, working and eating. It is indeed borin