horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 2 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 320- Flame MefitRecently I saw this character done by one of the contestants so I decided to try a little one and this is my outcome. Yesterday while doing it my pen was really faulty so I had…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 3 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 319- Riverboat Captain (Young Version)I've had a reference picture for a long time but didn't know it's worth until today when I found this card in my splinterlands card photo collection called Riverboat Captain but…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 3 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 318- Hill GiantToday I saw a splinterlands card called hill giant hold a tree and then I realized that what makes the card image a giant is that he was holding a tree so without the tree he is…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 3 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 317- Centauri MageHola contestants hopefully with all belief and faith this week is going to be a tremendous week and I got my drawing already done early to face other activities and I made a…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 3 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 316- Child Of The ForrestHave not seen much of this card on most people's blog so I wanted to do it again but this time in a more beautiful way which I succeeded in doing. On this version he looks like a…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 4 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 314- Ajax LightfootI tried as best as I could tomake perfection on this drawing but it still wasn't the outcome I pictured before starting. My big bro has done a drawing of this same carf but I…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 4 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 313- Scale DoctorEnhancing this character was kind of nice tho, from being a normal nerd to being a muscular handsome doctor and although he is called scale doctorI still removed that scale.…horlacoded in #hive-131131 • 4 months agoBaby Dragon (Normal Type)- Holozing FanartToday I saw another baby dragon Holozing character but with any specialty, that is the normal type. I just had to draw it staying cute in its position because there was nothing…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 4 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 312- Tusk The WideMorning everyone, just the middle of the night here in Nigeria and I'm still awake. So I said ti myself instead of watching movies all night and get dizzy tomorrow why don't I…horlacoded in #hive-131131 • 5 months agoBaby Dragon (Ice Type)- Holozing FanartI was so enthusiastic on drawing one of the characters in this community and also seeing some new characters (dragons) I decided and knew I couldn't be a part of the naming…horlacoded in #hive-158694 • 5 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 311- Ice PixieReally pleased to draw something this nice, so far this is my best created drawing and I wish this kind of enthusiasm to make better once keep on coming. And for this week's…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 5 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 310- Captain CatieI got a line of Gwen in Ben10 and improvised ger in a drawing of captain Catie. When you look at her you can still see the little resemblance of Gwen in there and her the perfect…horlacoded in #hive-158694 • 5 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 309- Blinding ReflectorUnique character from my perspective, nice design it was given on it's armour but I had no time to add it's sheild which is the weapon it uses to reflect a nice amount of light…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 5 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 308- Arachne ThugArachne Thug the spider woman. Whenever I take a glance at this card I see a spider woman with a warrior spirit, confidently holding her weapon like that of Thanos but smaller.…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 5 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 307- Hero Of BeyondI had not a lot of time and I wanted to make something fast and beautiful at the same times so I stumbled into this card and knew I could make a fast drawing of it and at the…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 6 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 306- Adelade BrightwingI have a lot of splinterlands crad picture but non of them shocked me like this one because of the name. I didn't quite notice her nane all these while but today I pronounced it…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 6 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 305- Undead ArcherGood day people of hive blog, I'm back again with a better work and this is a work of Undead Archer, after playing video games I just got the urge to make somehorlacoded in #hive-174301 • 6 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 304- Soulless NinjaI've been willing to draw Soulless Ninja for a while now, and today I defied that odd by drawing him, using a sketch of Naruto I was able to carve out a skech of Soulless Ninja…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 6 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 303- Lunakari MistressMy entry kind of came late for this week so before time runs out I would be dropping a simple work for my entry it's Lunakari Mistress. I don't know any specialties of this woman…horlacoded in #hive-174301 • 7 months agoSplinterlands Art Contest Week 302- Child Of The ForestThis is child of the forest, my splinterlands art work for this week, a little child with a shirt transformed to a group up guy wearing an unbuttoned shirt. The concept of…