luchyl in #leofinance • 7 hours ago@luchyl "Hmmm, hope it's gonna be safe ..."Hmmm, hope it's gonna be safeanderssinho in #leofinance • 15 hours ago@anderssinho "Good!! 🦁👏👏 ..."Good!! 🦁👏👏anderssinho in #leofinance • 15 hours ago@anderssinho "Thx mate! 🦁 ..."Thx mate! 🦁anderssinho in #leofinance • 15 hours ago@anderssinho "Oh that sounds troubeling. Join the discord! ..."Oh that sounds troubeling. Join the discord!gentleshaid in #leofinance • 15 hours ago@gentleshaid "What was the error message? #feedback..."What was the error message? #feedbackleostrategy in #leofinance • 5 days ago@leostrategy "1000%..."1000%jarvis1 in #leofinance • 6 days ago@jarvis1 "damn it 🤣🤣🤣💔 ..."damn it 🤣🤣🤣💔brando28 in #leofinance • 6 days ago@brando28 "Yeah, that's... 😅 crazy...."Yeah, that's... 😅 crazy.anderssinho in #leofinance • 7 days ago@anderssinho "Have not heard about it before :) ..."Have not heard about it before :)thedessertlinux in #leofinance • 7 days ago@thedessertlinux "It's insane...."It's insane.monkmasters in #leofinance • 7 days ago@monkmasters "Poor bastards...."Poor bastards.monkmasters in #leofinance • 7 days ago@monkmasters "Look for that weight to climb...."Look for that weight to climb.bradleyarrow in #leofinance • 7 days ago@bradleyarrow "lol ..."lolsimplegame in #leofinance • 7 days ago@simplegame "not a shocker..."not a shockermmonline in #leofinance • 8 days ago@mmonline "Yeah there is a lot to learn, I have been here wit..."Yeah there is a lot to learn, I have been here with my mau account for 3 years and still learn things everyday! Just have fun and shout if you ever have questions... #mmobrando28 in #leofinance • 8 days ago@brando28 "100%. Now is actually a great time to get into pos..."100%. Now is actually a great time to get into positionsmmonline in #leofinance • 8 days ago@mmonline "Thanks and welcome to you too! How are you getting..."Thanks and welcome to you too! How are you getting on with InLeo and Hivebrando28 in #leofinance • 8 days ago@brando28 "Thanks for stopping by! 👍..."Thanks for stopping by! 👍thedessertlinux in #leofinance • 8 days ago@thedessertlinux "Truth...."Truth.sergiomendes in #leofinance • 8 days ago@sergiomendes "anytime ..."anytime