PostsCommentsikservices in #hive-148441 • yesterdayJanuary 27, 2025. Kidney Facts. Glomerulonephritis 4Avacopan is a medication that is used for ANCA associated vasculitis. (One example of this is what was called Wegener's granulomatosis). It inhibits C5a-mediated neuikservices in #hive-148441 • 5 days agoJanuary 23, 2025. Kidney Facts. Electrolyte Disorders 2Hyperglycemia can cause hyponatremia by causing an osmotic translocation of water from the intracellular space to the extracellular space. The hypoantremia usually cikservices in #hive-148441 • 8 days agoJanuary 20, 2025. Kidney Facts. Chronic Kidney Disease 5Hyperuricemia may be associated with chronic uric acid nephropathy. This condition, however, has not been conclusively proven. There is evidence suggesting that reduikservices in #hive-148441 • 9 days agoJanuary 19, 2025. Kidney Facts. Mineral Metabolism Disorders 1Hyperphosphatemia is associated with increased mortality in patients undergoing hemodialysis. It is related to excess vascular calcification, which leads to worseninikservices in #hive-148441 • 10 days agoJanuary 18, 2025. Kidney Facts. Glomerulonephritis 3Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a process in the kidney that damages the podocyte cells and leads to protein leaking. It can be primary (immune), secondikservices in #stem • 11 days agoJanuary 17,2025. Kidney Facts. Acid-Base 1The Potential Renal Acid Load or PRAL is the amount of acid the diet produces in the body. It is measured in milliequivalents per acid per day.ikservices in #hive-148441 • 12 days agoJanuary 16, 2025. Kidney Facts. Glomerulonephritis 2IgA nephropathy or Berger's disease is the most common glomerulonephritis worldwide. Its incidence is 2.5/100,000 adults per year and it is considered in the list ofikservices in #hive-148441 • 13 days agoJanuary 15, 2025. Kidney Facts. Anemia in CKD 1Anemia of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the combined result of decreased intestinal iron absorption associated to CKD and the decreased production of erythropoietiikservices in #hive-148441 • 14 days agoJanuary 14, 2025. Kidney Facts. Diagnostics 1A renal biopsy is an extremely important tool for the diagnosis of certain renal conditions that present with proteinuria and/or hematuria or when the diagnosis of tikservices in #hive-148441 • 15 days agoJanuary 13, 2025. Kidney Facts. Electrolyte Disorders 1Hyponatremia (or low sodium concentration in the plasma) is a state of water intoxication. Measures should be implemented to achieve a negative total body balance.ikservices in #hive-148441 • 16 days agoJanuary 12, 2025. Kidney Facts. Chronic Kidney Disease 4Chronic urate nephropathy is caused by the deposit of uric acid crystals in the medullary interstitium of the kidney causing decreased GFR, interstitial fibrosis anikservices in #hive-148441 • 17 days agoJanuary 11, 2025. Kidney Facts. Hypertension 2Hypertension is one of the common causes for chronic renal failure. Over many years of elevated blood pressure, sclerosis and thickening of the arteriolar walls andikservices in #hive-148441 • 18 days agoJanuary 10, 2025. Kidney Facts. Glomerulonephritis 1Lupus nephritis is the inflammation of the kidney tissue caused by the autoimmune condition known as lupus. It can be mild or severe enough for a patient to requireikservices in #hive-148441 • 19 days agoJanuary 9, 2025. Kidney Facts. Chronic Kidney Disease 3In patients with advanced chronic kidney disease the correction of metabolic acidosis may slow down the progression towards the need of renal replacement therapy. hikservices in #hive-148441 • 20 days agoJanuary 8, 2025. Kidney Facts. Renal Osteodystrophy 1Patients with chronic kidney disease may develop econdary hyperparathyroidism as a consequence of the lack of activation of 25-OH vitamin D and/or elevated phosphoruikservices in #hive-148441 • 2 months agoNovember 23, 2024. Kidney Facts. Chronic Kidney Disease 2The use of non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor blockers (like finerenone) can reduce the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with diabetic nikservices in #hive-148441 • 3 months agoOctober 18, 2024. Kidney Facts. Chronic Kidney Disease 1The use of sodium-glucose transporter (SGLT-2) inhibitors can reduce the progression of chornic kidney disease in diabetics and non-diabeticsikservices in #hive-148441 • 4 months agoOctober 9, 2024. Kidney Facts. Acute Renal Failure 1Obstructive uropathy is one of the important causes of acute renal failure. This can be caused by an enlarged prostate gland, kidney stones, or strictures of thikservices in #hive-148441 • 4 months agoOctober 6, 2024. Kidney Facts. Kidney Stones 1Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, keeping it away from from crystals that can become kidney stones. Patients with low citrate levels in the urine have increasedikservices in #hive-148441 • 4 months agoOctober 5, 2024. Kidney Facts. Diabetes Mellitus 1Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus characterized by persistently high blood sugar levels is clo