It is essential to learn, to be ...

in #hive-1261523 months ago

Simpler people, and less rigid. And everyone knows how much his own path has cost him.

But many times we get life tangled up and complicate our relationship as a couple, friends, family, by assuming rigid positions, by looking for the cat's fifth paw. And no, the cat never has 5 legs, as far as I know 4 legs and his cute tail.

Maybe what works for one doesn't work for others and that's valid. But one realizes how relationships get into a state of detriment, either because we lose respect for the other person or for ourselves.

In fact, one can create the greatest love stories and then destroy them by making mistakes in the way of carrying that love.

In a relationship there must be two people, and there must be an exchange between them, neither giving too much, nor receiving too little. The more drama in love, the less love, and the more separation.

Sometimes we get rigid, controlling, wanting everything to be perfect, our partner to be perfect, friends and I stop counting, as if we really were.

But you know what? This is bringing drama to the relationship!.

That only stifles the genuine connection with our interpersonal relationships, and in this way we complicate ourselves by saying, for example, that nothing is wrong with us when in fact it is.

In my view of things, loves are better if they are calm and not full of drama, events, controls, and persecutions.

For example, it is much better to give space to our partner, allow him to be who he is, and act more freely one too. This does not mean debauchery, but a mutual trust that strengthens commitment and makes us live loving relationships free of so many complications.

The moral of this everyday story, which is mine and may be that of many...

If you want a healthy and happy relationship, learn to trust, to relax, to flow and thank God as much as possible the moments when my husband J.R, melts with me, it's because life is celebrated daily, and love more. He doesn't need a reason. Because the reason is always present between the two.

I am convinced that loves are not pressured, they are released. It's time to stop complicating the simple.

This thing I'm writing you about is so real that it's as if you suddenly opened your eyes, the blindfold falls off, and suddenly you end up seeing and understanding things that you didn't see before, like a magic act, and we take that disappointment with us.

Every end in a relationship is a new beginning.

And this happens with people, with countries and with societies. This reminds me of a Dutch movie that I really like, in Karakter where one of the characters says a phrase that stuck with me: "Who doesn't know how to give, doesn't know how to receive".

To make that experience an opportunity to grow emotionally, is to learn the lesson.


Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL


Today we've valued drama as the drive for our relationship that whenever there's no drama we feel like the relationship is dying. Peace and calm is never seen as a sign of a healthy relationship.

Love between couples is sometimes a game without rules, it can be full of love, but also lack of commitment, lies and deceit.

Here is the detail, they do not want calm or peace, only the drama.

I totally agree with you @mviews

Life is imperfect, when you plan a lot something happens, but in different ways. And I think that's what gives it the funny touch, that sometimes things are messy as a surprise.

You are right mistakes should not be seen as failures, I can see that you are clear.

Keep up the good work. 👏

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Thankssss You so much @mysteriousroad for they Ecency Curator upvoter to My post This day.