Two to Drink and One to Throw Away

in #hive-1877193 months ago

Looks like it's that time again, time for another #Beersaturday brew review (oh!!! nice rhyme). Let me tell you about two beers that I drank and one that I threw away.



Brewery: Mascot Brewery
Origin: Toronto ON Canada
Style: Light Lager
Abv: 4.0%


Marketing: The can is a pleasing pale green color with a buff cartoon weightlifter dude on it. The image is definitely on theme with the name of the beer, which is a positive in my opinion. Some brewery's give their beers these very trendy funky names that have nothing to do with the actual beer inside and then also design their can in a way that has nothing to do with the name of the beer...(huh?) Such cases can be very disjointed and beg the question, "what is the point of it all?" This one does a good job tailoring the beer to the name though, and then also tying the name to the can design in a way that makes sense. It all sort of fits together nicely. There was also some verbage on the back of the can thats punny, campy and fun. It's not my particular style of artwork but it's a fun can and I would classify it as good marketing overall.


Color: This beer poured a pale yellow color - like straw and had a flimsy head on top. It was also a crystal clear brew, as a lager should be.


Nose: The aroma was sweet and malty with grassy notes, cereals and fresh hay. Pleasant overall.

Taste: Sweet malty taste with not a lot of bitterness. Definitely not balanced airing on the sweet side, but very good nonetheless.

Texture: Soft bubbly texture with an almost thin syrupy mouthfeel. I'd say that its medium bodied. Unfermented sugars are probably whats creating the sweet taste and heavier mouthfeel, I'm guessing.

Impression: Good beer overall with lots of flavor. Fresh tasting. It's a bit sweet for me, which became more and more apparent as I drank it. I think that the sweetness would be over powering if I were to drink a second one in one sitting.

Premium Lager


Brewery: Great Lakes Brewery
Origin: Etobicoke ON Canada
Style: Pilsner, Lager
Abv: 5.0%


Marketing: White can with blue, red and bronze accent colors. Shield crest design. I disliked this can design immensely. However, there was a blurb of info on the back that explained that this is the original label dating back to 1987, the year that the company was incorporated, and is meant to be a throwback to the brewery's humble beginings. I can appreciate that. I also found it to be pretty funny so extra points for the humor:


The elements in the crest provide a glimpse into, well, we're not quite sure, but the design was groundbreaking in the 80's so we're good with it.

Nice one folks 😂


Color: Pale yellow color, crystal clear, with a decent amount of foam on top.

Nose: Grassy notes, hay and sweet smelling cereals.

Taste: Dry with a bitter finish. Balanced. Not a huge amount of complexity to it like most lagers. Mostly fresh tasting.

Texture: Bubbly carbonation with a watery mouthfeel.

Impression: It was a bit bland and boring but all around a pretty decent beer, maybe the kind that you would bring to the cottage and drink several of in one sitting. You don't want anything too strong tasting if you're going to drink a lot of them - that's how I see it anyway.

Triple Bogey Premium Lager


Brewery: Triple Bogey Brewing Co
Origin: Toronto ON Canada
Style: Lager
Abv: 5.0%


Marketing: Bright lawn green can with golf imagery. I hate golf so this doesn't appeal to me at all, nonetheless I bought it to try it. Marketing often doesn't tell us anything about the beer inside.


Color: The beer poured a golden, almost burnt yellow color with a decent head of loosly packed bubbles on top.

Nose: Some aroma.. I didn't get far into analyzing this one.

Taste: Very stale tasting on first sip. Again, I didn't get far into it. It tasted terrible overall to the point that I couldn't even drink it.

Texture: I didn't notice.


Impression: This beer was absolutely terrible to me. It tasted so stale and like it was produced using super cheap ingredients (like beers that use high fructose corn syrup or some other shit product). It reminded me of a Labbat Blue for some reason or some other Premium domestic - massed produced crap beer. It actually reminded me of first taking a sip of beer. You know, when you're 8 years old and you dad allows you to have a sip of his beer and you're like, "eeewwww gross! That's disgusting. How can you drink that!?!" That's exactly what this beer tasted like - a bad memory. It's probably a bit dramatic to dump a beer down the sink but there is something about really bad beer that I can't stomach. It almost gives me a gag reflex. This beer was one meant to be poured out in my opinion. It probably would have gave me a hangover too. It just wasn't worth it.


Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Cheers everyone!


It's not dramatic to throw them down the sink. I have done so in numerous occasions!!

Glad I'm not the only one! It was the type of beer that wouldn't be enjoyable to drink and then would definitely give me a hangover after one beer lol. Not worth it.

I used to force myself to try and drink most of those ones but now I'm like, life is too short for shit beer!

💯 I agree

Hehehe and down the sink we go !LOLZ definitely don't have to force yourself to drink what you don't want to drink period. That's completely okay.

I agree 👍 💯

Oh.. what about the price of the beer that you throw?

It was probably $3.00 CAD. I don't like to waste things usually (food or money) but in this case I made an exception and no regrets 😂

Oh.. sometimes there's an exemption 😁😁




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From the description, I feel lightweight is better than all
I hope to taste it someday though

Yeah it was probably the best of the lot.

Always respect someone willing to throw away beer. Not a huge beer person myself, but I woulda definitely gone for the buff dude. Completely biased, I know, but that's good advertising, that is! xD

Haha yeah its a clever can indeed. I agree 💯 😂

I absolutely love the Lightweight can design 😂 makes me really want to drink it 😋

Yeah it's a funny design.

Haha that is what you get for diving into boring lagers! ;)

Actually the light weight was a surprise for me as far as how tasty it was for being a lawnmower beer. Surprisingly yummy and a good personality when other light lagers are boring and uninspiring.

I love me some Great Lakes but it is ipa all the way with those guys. I have a couple new ones from them to feature this week.

As for triple bogey, that is just bull shit beer marketed specifically for golfers and was never destined to be anything but that. I would just hate drink it rather than pour it down the drain. I agree with you on that one too.

So funny to have company on #beersaturday from this region and see the familiar labels!

So you've tried Triple Bogey - I'm glad I'm not alone in my impression of it. A small part of me was doubting myself. I tried drinking it after I exercised a little and was a bit dehydrated so I thought afterwards that maybe that was the reason. But I've done that before and found beer to be very refreshing also... so again, I wasn't sure. Sounds like I was right though - it's a shit beer. I definitely trust your opinion 👍.

Yeah lightweight was a good one.

So funny to have company on #beersaturday from this region and see the familiar labels!

So true!

Ps love the "hate drink it" phrase. 🤣

Oh ya it is awful. There is an amber that is slightly less terrible and I will grab one of those if I am golfing and there is absolutely no other beer.

It's good to know that there is an amber one as well, so I can avoid it. I may grab it by mistake 😂

No, hubby would do the same. He ain't drinking no bad beer. We once went to a pub and hubby felt the beer was stale. He didn't drink it and left the pub and went elsewhere.

You find the funniest names of beers that make me smile.

BTW, I'm not fond of golf either, but all day I've been wishing I had some golf balls... I'm moored at a busy spot with lots of day boaters, who do not slow down when passing moored boats, so I have been rocking about like a hammock. If I had golf balls someone would feel one in the back of their heads... There's a rumour or a myth that if a golf ball hits you, you'll turn into an idiot... Well, since they are already acting like idiots... I'm thinking that my actions would go unnoticed.

Happy Weekend!😁

You find the funniest names of beers that make me smile.

In Canada the breweries like to name their beers with very trendy, exotic humorous or clever names. All beers are like that here it seems lol.

That's so funny about the golf ball 🤣

Happy weekend to you as well! Don't let the idiots get you down! Lol

Haha! No, man! There's too much excitement. One minute the canal was quiet and the next thing I saw was one long boat stuck crossway, one reversing ahead of him, one boat coming ahead of the one reversing, and on the opposite side was another boat under a bridge going towards the boat that was stuck crossways. All this time I wanted to film it but didn't want to be 'that' ass. 🤣

The boat got unstuck and is moored in front of me and they'll be off to the pub soon. Ah, bwoy!

Sounds like a bit of a mess. 😅