My Clean Planet Activities Day #210

in #hive-15021027 days ago

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing today lovers of the clean planet, it great to be here with you all today, I'm doing fine and I hope you are all doing great in your various places too. I'm really happy to be here with you guys again and I welcome you all to my blog with a great pleasure.

It's such a great day today and I am very happy to be alive and healthy to be able to contribute to the cleaning of our planet. Even though I was busy all day today doing one or two things which tool most of my time and before I know it, the time has gone. That is the definition of life is too short, we should do what we want to do on time and stop postponing it till next time, who knows, that next time might not come again.

Cleaning of our environment is our responsibility and also our duty which we have to do to keep our planet in good health and we can also live fine as well. In this life, there are some things that we need to do without waiting for anyone to talk us to do it and one of it is cleaning. Clean your home, clean your environment and let clean the planet together.

I did my today's cleaning activities this evening after I was done with my work, it's not really easy because I was seriously tired so I couldn't go far for the cleaning, I just did is along the my street, it was a little bit dirty because of the rain that fell yesterday. I did the best I can do today and hoping to do more tomorrow.

It's always thanks to those who initiate this amazing community, it in me and many others the opportunity to show our cleaning activities daily and making other people see the important of cleaning.

Here is my cleaning activities for today Tuesday, 20th day of August, year 2024 clean planet activity.

It's all thanks to @cleanplanet for this great initiative

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day