The Peacemakers. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in #hive-18207416 days ago


Being a peacemaker is what we should try to make out of our lives. A peacemaker would be someone who contributes to the peaceful co- existence on the earth. A peacemaker would not cause offenses and other vices in the society.

Bro Eli Soriano explained that the life we are living is dependent on whatever is encoded into our system. He compared the human mind to the computer. The computer is able to carry out every activity which it is doing because of what the manufacturer encoded into it. The computer would not be able to carry out the task it carries successfully if those commands were not encoded into it.

The good people around us are those whose minds have been encoded with good works. Such people will be able to perform good things in the community. They are those who are going to be the peacemakers.

We could receive good encoding into our minds and hearts if we listen to the teachings and doctrines of God through the Word of God. The Word of God gives us good encoding. These encoding make us to live out our lives in the way that pleases God.

James 1:19 (KJV) Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:


Being a peacemaker would make people see us as the sons of God.