minute freewrite 2315 prompt not particular

in #hive-1611553 months ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2415 prompt not particular hosted by @mariannewest

We do not run the A/C unit most of the time in our house, so my daughter has been leaving the back door open all day and sits by it. The problem is 6 months ago we had honey bees that moved under our trailer at that end of the house, they have not bothered us so we have left them alone.

Two nights ago she started opening the door at night and the bees came inside around the light and she started swatting at them, they retaliated and stung her by her left eye, her right forearm, and her hand. She did not tell me about it until that morning, her eye was swollen so bad that she can not open it all of the way. Her hand is three times as big as it should be. She says they only stung her twice but I think it was much more. I told her that she was going to have to leave the door closed at night.

Well, she did not do this and last night they came in again and she swatted at them again, now around her other eye is swollen and so is her entire face. I have been giving her Benadryl but it is not taking the swelling down. She got stung about a month ago and had no reaction to them. She is having a rough week. She is also wheezing again so I checked her oxygen and it is at 96% which is not good but it is not dangerous.

I posted on our town page and asked for someone who would relocate them and I found one person who said they would do it for either 150 or 200 dollars but he is booked up for the next 3 weeks. I do not want to wait that long because I know she will not leave the door closed for that long.

When I set my pool up last year, I went to Walmart to buy chloride tablets and a floating device to put it in, they wanted 10 dollars for this device so since I am not particular about how something looks, I knew I could come up with something that would float the tablet and save the ten dollars.

I cut a pool noodle and ran a piece of string through it at one end I tied a net cork and at the other end I made a slipknot in the string and put a net lead and half of a chloride tablet in an old sock, I ran the top of the sock through the slip knot and tighten it. It floats around and cleans the pool. It is not very clean right now because I forgot to put more chloride in it on time so it got a little murky. I try to add another half once a month and I was about a week late doing this, but tomorrow it should be clear.


Keep up the good work. 👏

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I do not understand why people think swatting at bees will improve anything. Bees don't want to bother you, and swatting at them just makes them mad. If it's not actually a bee, and instead one of their degenerate stripey relatives in the hornet and wasp family, they are more like people with road rage looking for any excuse to explode and hurt someone, so swatting at them is doubly bad.

The picture I put up was an old picture I had, I thought it looked like a bee.

I know and I have told her not to do that, she is hard headed and learned the hard way.