drax.leo in #leofinance • 34 minutes ago@drax.leo "Most will buy after it hits 100 K thinking it is g..."Most will buy after it hits 100 K thinking it is going to 120 K. When it dumps to 95 K, they will panic sell. The cycle will repeat itself plenty of times.drax.leo in #leofinance • 40 minutes ago@drax.leo "Last few years weren't kind to $ETH. Whether fees ..."Last few years weren't kind to $ETH. Whether fees going down will help remains to be seen. In any case, low fees means that actual people can use ETH for it is supposed to do…drax.leo in #leofinance • 46 minutes ago@drax.leo "A good indicator of likely results of next Bundest..."A good indicator of likely results of next Bundestag elections.drax.leo in #leofinance • 50 minutes ago@drax.leo "It's a striking contrast to most population foreca..."It's a striking contrast to most population forecasts that, until very recently, projected Europe and the world being suffocated to death because of overpopulation.drax.leo in #leofinance • 54 minutes ago@drax.leo "Strangely enough, Bosnia is the only ex-YU country..."Strangely enough, Bosnia is the only ex-YU country that actually became safer.drax.leo in #leofinance • 58 minutes ago@drax.leo "Croatia is definitely among the minnows. ..."Croatia is behind Bulgaria (and not in the top 20). It would remain there for certain if Ukraine and Turkey become members.vogota in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@vogota "Good news ..."Good newsvogota in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@vogota " Never knew this before now , thanks for sharing ..."Never knew this before now , thanks for sharingnonpressure in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@nonpressure "That is why I am happy to be here ..."That is why I am happy to be herenonpressure in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@nonpressure "Great one from the committee ..."Great one from the committeenonpressure in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@nonpressure "Yes I support the decision ..."Yes I support the decisionogologoma in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@ogologoma "i would love to hear what this great man would hav..."i would love to hear what this great man would have to sayogologoma in #leofinance • 2 hours ago@ogologoma "It is a great step ..."It is a great stepmalachihale in #leofinance • 3 hours ago@malachihale " That wall of doom. Hate seeing it when trying to ..."That wall of doom. Hate seeing it when trying to open a sitekhantaimur in #leofinance • 4 hours ago@khantaimur "The best way to show who you are in real. It matte..."The best way to show who you are in real. It matters the most.khantaimur in #leofinance • 4 hours ago@khantaimur "Error counts ..."Error countsmilaan in #leofinance • 6 hours ago@milaan "An evening in Moscow...."An evening in Moscow.milaan in #leofinance • 6 hours ago@milaan "Bookmarked...."Bookmarked.milaan in #leofinance • 6 hours ago@milaan "IELTS much better. proper choice of words imrpoves..."IELTS much better. proper choice of words imrpoves sentence structure.milaan in #leofinance • 6 hours ago@milaan "That's great...."That's great.