We may have to agree to disagree on this one

in #hive-1538503 months ago

Earlier this morning, I had gone downstairs to wait for my favorite food seller. For some reason, she was taking too much time to come around today and due to how hungry I was, sitting down inside felt like I was doing nothing about my hunger, so I had decided to go sit outside and wait for her, not like it helped much but I guess it was a way to trick my body into believing that I was working towards the hunger problem.

Anyways, while I sat there waiting for the food lady, I couldn't help but overhear a conversation a group of people were having right next to me. They were kinda divided into two groups,one group, the one which had mostly guys in it was in support of a motion while the other group which mostly had girls in it was opposing the motion.

Now if you're wondering what the motion was, well they were arguing if it's possible for you to love someone deeply and still cheat on them. The guys said it was possible, the ladies disagreed.

You see this isn't my first time hearing about this same topic, I had even seen a video on tiktok where it was being discussed and just like the guy in the video and the group of guys outside my hostel said, yes I do agree that it is possible. And the reason why I say that is simple.

When it comes to having an affair, unlike women who tend to go with their heart and most times fall in love at the process, most guys go with their brains. They know why they're there and they make sure they're focused on that reason and nothing else. So if they like you because you're a good kisser, they will stay just for them to be able to kiss you and nothing more.

They don't allow themselves to fall in love with you because truth be told, they never loved you, and forgive me for saying this but that's the beauty of it all, being able to distinguish between want and need.

But like I said, for most ladies, it's completely different because ladies tend to like (or fall in love with you) before they allow themselves get close to you, so even if they have a partner and decide to cheat on him, they find themselves falling in love with the guy they're cheating with when at first all they wanted was a fling.

Now I'm not saying all of this to justify cheating, all I'm saying is that I think it's possible for one to be in love with someone and still cheat on them with someone else while still being in love with the first person.

photo by Ilkka Kärkkäinen

But as usual, I would love to hear your opinions in the comment section below... Who knows, we might end up having to agree to disagree.


Keep up the good work. 👏

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I actually don't know what to answer about the topic. I never thought about it deeply anytime and I don't want to. Unless I fall in love the topic is useless for me and I don't want to bother myself for it😅.

Hahaha.. I understand brother... Please don't stress yourself 😂

I agree with you. Reality is unique and not always interwoven with morality. I see majority of relationships being transactional. It may not be for money alone. It's good to be realistic about what one wants out of a relationship. However the emotional stability of the other party should always be taken into consideration.

However the emotional stability of the other party should always be taken into consideration.

Exactly man.. Because at the end of the day, you are cheating on someone and there's nothing good about being cheated on.

That's very correct. It's painful to everyone that fall a victim.