dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 4 months ago[TR-EN] Bugün İçin Yazabildim. -TRPUD 19 Ağustos - I can write for today. -TRPUD August 19TR Herkese Merhaba, Bugün havalar diğer günlere nazaran biraz daha serin özellikle akşamları daha da serin oluyor. Kendime bir iyilik yapıp haber ve tv seyretmemeye gayret…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 4 months ago(EN-TR) MY TREES ARE GROWING, I'M FINALLY BACK WITH THE VILLAGE PLEASURE. 😊/// AĞAÇLARIM BÜYÜYOR KÖY SEFASI İLE GERİ DÖNDÜM. 😊EN Hello I know it's been a long time since I've posted. Those who have taken a break know better how difficult it is to start writing again after taking a break, and they…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 7 months ago[EN-TR] MY REPAIR AND RENOVATION WORKS IN INDUSTRY//SANAYİDE TAMİR TADİLAT İŞLERİMEN Hello We never know what will come in life and when. For a few days now, a grinding noise has been coming from the left wheel of my car. At first, I couldn't understand…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 7 months ago[EN-TR] A NICE DAY WITH BREAKFAST IN THE OPEN AIR, FISH FOR DINNER AND POWERUP///AÇIK HAVADA KAHVALTI, AKŞAMA BALIK VE POWERUP GÜZEL BİR GÜN -19 Mayıs TRPUDEN Hello I hope everyone is well. The weather is a little cloudy today, but it is not cold, so we decided to have our breakfast outside today. ![IMG_20240519_160226.jpg](dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 7 months ago[TR-EN] MARKET WALK AND BEES - HİVE TÜRKİYE WALK EVENT// MARKET YÜRÜYÜŞÜ VE ARILAR - HİVE TÜRKİYE YÜRÜYÜŞ ETKİNLİĞİTR Herkese Merhaba Bir önceki etkinliğe katılamadığım için üzgünüm şimdi bu yürüyüş etkinliğine katılmak istiyorum ve dışarı markete yürüyüş yapmak için çıktım şu an…dusunenkalpp rebloggedtht in #hive-188753 • 7 months agoCuration APR Rate: 9.89% . How did I achieve this? Küratörlük APR Oranı: %9.89 . Bunu nasıl başardım ?Hello friends. Today, I will talk about curation revenues, which I have been examining for a while. While curation revenues are insignificant for accounts with low HP in Hive…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 8 months ago[EN-TR] A NICE WEEKEND DAY 😊///HAFTA SONU GÜZEL GEÇEN BİR GÜN😊EN Hello I hope everyone is well and that your days are beautiful and fruitful. I am sorry that I could not attend the first dinner event organized by the Hive Turkey…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 8 months ago[EN-TR] HEADPHONE REPAIR OPERATION 😄//KULAKLIK TAMİR OPERASYONU 😄Hello An unexpected development occurred at work. While I was listening to a video on this subject through my headphones, my headphones broke. Oh my Allah, I don't understand…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 8 months ago[EN-TR] THE VOICE OF PEACE--HUZURUN SESİ EN Hello The weather is getting warmer, the spring weather is giving way to the summer weather, I hope everyone is fine, work continues at a busy pace in the private sector.…dusunenkalpp in #hive-188753 • 8 months ago[EN-TR] HELLO WORLD, I AM A BEGINNING CANDIDATE CANDIDATE :)//MERHABA DÜNYA BEN ACEMİ BİR YAZILIMCI ADAYIYIM :)EN I say hello to a new day, the new Hive Türkiye community and everyone. May all the beauties be with you. I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the power up day yesterday for…dusunenkalpp in #hive-125125 • 8 months ago[EN-TR] MY FIRST DAY AT WORK AFTER VACATION///TATİLDEN SONRA İLK İŞ GÜNÜMEN Hello The weather is very nice today, I hope the weather was as nice wherever you were. Spring has come, but there is warmth in the air like a summer day. ![IMG_20240416_154133.jpg](dusunenkalpp in #tr • 8 months ago[EN-TR] FIRST DAY OF THE HOLIDAY IN THE VILLAGE// KÖYDEKİ TATİLİN BİRİNCİ GÜNÜEN -- Hello I started writing to you today, on the first day of the holiday. When we set out for our hometown, the roads were very crowded and the weather was very hot. When…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 9 months ago[EN-TR] MY UNFİNİSHED EMAINING WRİTİNGS...AND POWERUP DAY/// YARIM KALAN YAZILARIM...VE POWERUP GÜNÜ TR My Unfinished Writings Hello Last week, we went to the workplace's iftar dinner. Our workplace informed us of the iftar invitation message 2-3 days in advance and…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 9 months ago[TR-EN] AZ KALSIN POWERUP GÜNÜNÜ UNUTUYORDUM. (19 MART)///I ALSO FORGOT POWERUP DAY. (MARCH 19)TR Merhabalar, Yine bir powerup gününe ulaşmaktan mutluluk duyuyorum. Az kalsın bugünü kaçıracaktım.Dün aklımda olan powerup günü bugün aklımdan çıkmış taaa ki discord…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 9 months ago[TR-EN] BUGÜN HEDİYE ÇEKİNİ HARCADIK // WE SPENT THE GIFT COUPON TODAYTR Merhabalar Çok önemli ve değerli zamanların içerisindeyiz.Çünkü Ay takvimine göre yani hicri aya göre Ramazan Ayındayız. Bu ayda oruç tutuyoruz, yardımlar yapılır,tok…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 10 months ago[EN-TR] COTTON BEANS AND GRASS HEADS EVENT AT MY DAUGHTER'S SCHOOL///KIZIMIN OKULUNDA PAMUKTA FASULYE VE ÇİM KAFA ETKİNLİĞİEN Hello Unfortunately, we could not see snowfall in the city center this year. With Cemre falling into the water, spring started to make itself felt. We will be in the…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 10 months ago[EN-TR]Trliste's Colors Challenge: My Daughter's Color // Trliste’nin Renkleri Challenge: Kızımın Rengi TR Time has flown by like water, now it is February 28 I am late to participate in the event topics that started last week, but I want to participate with this article by…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 10 months ago[TR-EN] 19 ŞUBAT TR POWERUP GÜNÜNE YETİŞTİM..//// I MADE 19 FEBRUARY TR POWERUP DAYTR Merhabalar, 2024 yılı ilk powerup etkinliğine katılmak benim için önemliydi maalesef katılamadım. Öncelikle ocak ayında katılan ve emek veren herkese teşekkür ediyorum. ![power up.png](dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 10 months ago[EN-TR] I WILL KEEP TRYING AND SUCCEED - LEMON TREE /// DENEMEYE VE BAŞARMAYA DEVAM EDECEĞİM- LİMON AĞACI EN Hello everyone I had pomegranate trees that I mentioned in my previous articles and that I planned to grow until spring. I have previously written about the growth stages…dusunenkalpp in #hive-138975 • 10 months ago[EN-TR] I AM STARTING A NEW TRAINING THANKS TO EXCEL. :)//EXCEL SAYESİNDE YENİ BİR EĞİTİME BAŞLIYORUM. :) EN Hello I don't want to complain about anything. I want to get motivated to write again. I hope everyone has a nice day full of opportunities. ![IMG_20240210_231343.jpg](