Back on Track!

in #inleo9 days ago

Well I FINALLY managed a decent week of proper self-discipline, starting around last Tuesday!

I don't really know how I managed to lose it but I know when... I was working away for 3 days about a month ago now and knew I had a slack day Thursday so I just had a few cheeky pints and fags on the Wednesday, and then carried on most of the weekend!

Then I was working away again the following week - the first teaching course I'd done in a while and that was stressful they always are!

Half way through that I got a new job, that was the week before last week but I had to do my interviewing work too - so I had to work six days!

Six whole days of regular work in a row, I haven't done that in, well, over six years, and combined with the new job stress I carried on with the booze and fags.

I mean it was nothing too bad, just a GOOD Friday, and a couple of beers most other nights, but the smoking crept back in, in a big way!

Back on Track

So last Tuesday I just quit (again) with the smoking and the drinking and now I'm a week clear again...

Much better step count for a couple of days ago, I had been down to 4-5K for many days in the last few weeks!


And now I'm back with the running and circuits every other day too, I'd slacked off with the later especially.

But I'm not beating myself up about it, I think we can call having a bit of a hedonistic three weeks a 'reasonable adjustment' and, hell, it was the end of the summer too, and nice weather with it!

But just being clear is so much nicer, I sleep better, I work better, I eat better, I move more, I REALLY need need need to remember this the next time I get the urge to go on a session.

Unless it's pre-planned, of course!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That smoking will do you no good. I've had a nasty cold since I came back from Split, so haven't done much running. parkrun is cancelled this week anyway as the course has been flooded.

That's the problem with mingling ! All those germs. I bet there a few runs cancelled this week!

Please, sir, you need to take proper care of yourself when it comes to smoking.