Fridgenomics...! In praise of the humble fridge-freezer!

in #inleo2 months ago

I noticed on returning home from a few days away, around midday, that my electricity smart metre was showing that I'd used around 10 pence that day already.

'Odd' i thought to myself, thinking that i'd left NOTHING on, except a couple of pilot lights on extensions and the smart meter itself.

Then I suddenly remembered the fridge!

Well not just the fridge, the fridge-freezer.

This got me to pondering, well, after staring at the smart meter for a while! When literally everything else is off bar one pilot light upstairs, it sits at a cosy 26 Watts, I guess that's the cost of the smart meter itself...


And occasionally it goes up to 70 or even 120 watts, and I guess that's the fridge or freezer cutting in when it gets below a trigger point.

I'm not actually sure how much the fridge-freezer costs me to run, but I think it's around 15 pence a day, which is REMARKABLE really....

It's an A + rated unit, about 6 years old now, and according to this site an A rated one costs around 10 P a day, but I'm a pessimist so I'll round up....

Quite the difference...

So from best to worst you're looking at a difference of £100 per year in running costs!

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 16.25.38.png

I mean given that you would expect a fridge-freezer to last you a good ten years, it seems like it's worth spending another $100 at least to get yourself a better one, rated A.

Of course there will be a marginal limit once you get up to the top end, but no way I'd be buying a D or F rated fridge, actually it's probably not even possible to do so in the UK anymore if you're buying new.

Incredible value...

Just thinking about that £3 a month cost, or maybe slightly more if I'm pessimistic.... this is outstanding value, I save that several times over just on buying frozen fish compared to fresh. Or being able to freeze bread which makes it last the whole loaf.

Altogether my fridge freezer must save me at least £40 a month compared to not having one!

And that's not even factoring in the time convenience.

All in all for what I get back the fridge freezer is undoubtedly one of the BEST value items I own.

Funny how I'd never really appreciated it before this week!

Next time I buy I'm gonna proper Vest in a super efficient one too!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What do us American blokes do to fridges that make cost so bloody much? :-p

Do the A rated ones have better innards? Or just thicker insulation?

I'm not sure what it is with the American Fridge, maybe because they are just so big! Probably something to do with the doors too!

Doors, ice makers, double doors. LG linear compressors breaking all the time…

Oh yes double doors, totally unnecessary!

I think my fridge freezer does not save me anything nowadays as it will be 38C just tonight!