Where did today go...? (Lazy chores day!)

in #inleo2 months ago

So I've just had around 10 days to myself to just do whatever I like really, but I've spent most of the last 9 days before this one focussing on work (being self-employed), but today I decided to just take it easy and try and catch up on a few chores....

I made a list...


Not that it'd be legible to anyone else but me!

And as usual I did about 2/15 things on it!

I'm not really sure HOW I managed to do so little, I was convinced when I made said list yesterday (see I can't even claim I made a list today) it was ALL easily doable in a slack day.

So I got up a little late, did some interval training, went for a coffee, OK then I did a wash, cleaned the kitchen around breakfast, cleaning behind the cooker and washing machine being two overdue things which I did, at least!

Then I had lunch, actually that took a while, backed tofu salad. Very nice, as it goes!

Then I put a chest of drawers together that I bought over a month ago and has been lying around in its flat pack state since then...

Then I did some circuits.

Oh I did write a Hive post this morning and tidy the screen on my laptop.

And then I made dinner, and having watched a bit of shite TV it's now just gone 19.00....

And I'm kind of staring at this list of tasks that aren't urgent, but it would be nice to get them done sometime this month.

I guess it's back to squeezing them in between work, chip away, that's all I can do!

But then again today was supposed to be a day off.

I'm not gonna beat myself up about it, this has happened dozens of times before, and it'll happen dozens of times again, one just has to go with these lazy days.

So this evening I think I'll do a bit of tidying, go for a walk, do some yoga, read some of my book and get an early night.

That'll do!!!

Main achievement of the day....


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Have you filled the drawers already? It is so easy to fritter away a day. TV and internet are the worst for that.

I have filled them as it goes, they were required!

I had a relatively screen free day which is something!

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The Value Plan, as it stands, seems to be a one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform, where the benefits are one-way. It's akin to a one-sided friendship, where one party continuously takes without giving back.

The issues of downvotes and the farming situation on HIVE are significant concerns that need to be addressed, those with more power, are creating an imbalance in the community. The genuine HIVE community, which values fairness and equality, do not support such practices most are afraid to speak up. However, the current structure appears to be enabling these bad activities, making it challenging to bring about change.

The misuse of power and the squandering of HIVE funds on trash are concerning. These actions not only undermine the integrity of HIVE but also dishearten the genuine community members who are committed to its growth and development.

If one is backing this 'trashy' plan, they are, directly or indirectly, contributing to the problems on HIVE. It's crucial to understand that every action has a consequence, and supporting such plans can lead to a further imbalance in the community will lead to a lower HIVE PRICE LESS USERS. Instead, it would be more beneficial to focus on promoting fairness, transparency, and real community-driven development.