in #hive-14008424 days ago


If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7 KJV).


Christians are called into fellowship with God and other believers.


Everyone who participated in this lesson will at the end be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of the apostle John's firsthand experience of the Incarnation.
  2. Recognize the joy of walking in the light of God's presence.
  3. Practice confession to uphold fellowship with God.


This is the 2025 first Sunday School lesson for Adult people in Assemblies of God Nigeria. The hardcopy in which these lessons are extracted will cover for six months that is 26 lessons.
Lesson one is taken from the book of First Epistle of John.
In 1 John 1:5 the apostle John says, "God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all (NLT). This one verse provides insight into one of the many benefits of walking with God. His light illuminates the way and guides His followers to discover the life He offers. His light dispels fear and uncertainty. The followers of Jesus Christ experience a deep sense of peace, love and unity as they walk in the light of His presence. As we look closely at 1 John 1:1 through 2:2, we uncover priceless truths about walking in fellowship with God and with one another.



A. John's Firsthand Experience– 1 John 1:1-2:

The first few verses of 1 John are a reflection of the first chapter in the Gospel of John, where he provided clear descriptions of the many events he witnessed as he walked alongside Jesus. Considering John's Gospel adds significant value to the study of his epistles. Jesus is the One who existed from the beginning, the Word of Life, and the One who is life itself. He declared the apostles had heard, seen, looked on, and touched the Christ. They experienced the very Word of Life, and we can experience Him as well.

John emphasised the eternal reality of Jesus existing with the Father from the beginning, even before creation. Then Jesus took on human flesh, and people could see Him, hear Him, and touch Him. The Father made himself known to us in the person of Jesus Christ, and through Christ, He made a way for us to have fellowship with Him. In John 17, the apostle recorded the prayer Jesus prayed for all believers-where Jesus talked about the relationship He had with the Father before the world was made. He asked the Father that we Would experience the same kind of fellowship with Him.

Questions For Application:

As we consider the Gospels, what did John see, hear, and experience as he walked with Jesus? What is the value of hearing from someone who had an up- close, in-person relationship with Jesus?

John described Jesus as eternal, as the Word of Life, and as life itself. Which one of these descriptions encourages you the most today and why?

Read John 17:20-26. How is Jesus' prayer reflected in 1 John 1:1-3?

B. An Invitation to Fellowship – 1 John 1:3:

As John started writing his first letter, the apostle wanted to remind his audience of the' teachings of Jesus Christ. John established his authority on this theme by making mention of the time he spent with Jesus Christ. John , as one who was a contemporary of Jesus Christ, he understood the deepness of relationship in the midst of the Father and the Son in a tangible way.

The letter of John marks the words of Jesus Christ which identifies Him as the true grapevine and the Father as the gardener. John's letter highlights us to understand how to experience life and fruitfulness as we stay firmly connected through relationship with Jesus (John 15). In this same portion of Scripture John recorded Jesus' invitation to live in Him and abide in His love (verses 5-11).

Jesus also challenged His followers to love one another (verse 17). The fellowship we enjoy with other believers is based on the love we've been shown by the Father andthe Son (1 John 1:3). This love is self-sacrificing and fruitful, not fickle and superficial. It is founded on Jesus and His sacrifice for us, not on our personal preferences or similarities we enjoy in others. We can experience this deep, spiritual connection with individuals of different ages, ethnicities, education, socioeconomic levels, political views, and cultural preferences only through God's love.

Questions For Application:

Read John 15:5-17. How did Jesus describe the relationship He offers in these verses? What do you think Jesus is inviting us to experience when He says, "Remain in my love" (verse 9)?

How did Jesus describe the fellowship we should offer to one another in John 15:12-13?


A. Your Joy May Be Full – 1 John 1:4:

We might mistakenly think happiness and joy are the same emotion. However, happiness is typically contingent upon abundance and easy circumstances. The type of joy we experience in a close relationship with God is not based on our ever- changing circumstances. Knowing our sins are forgiven by the sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross opens the way for us to encounter God in a deep, personal way.

John understood this close relationship based on joy. "We are writing these things so that you may fully share our joy" (1 John 1:4, NLT). Unending joy comes as we grow more confident of God's love for us. We grow to trust His love and believe He is working all things, even the most difficult things, for our good.

This brings a joy that rises above our current circumstances. And each day as we read and meditate on His Word, His truth revives us and gives us joy (see Psalm 19:7-11).

Questions For Application:

How would you describe the joy of living in fellowship with the Father and the Son?
How does understanding the love of God impact our joy.

B. Walk in the Light – 1 John 1:5-7:

Within these three verses in the first chapter of 1 John, the apostle contrasted light and darkness. Light represents what is good and holy. Darkness represents sin and evil. Here John told us, "God is light"-the very source of all that is right and pure. In Him there is absolutely no darkness or evil, not even a hint. So those who are walking in darkness (or sin) are not walking with the Lord (verse 6).

Throughout the Gospel of John, the apostle recorded many times when Jesus referred to himself as light. John 8:12 may be the most descriptive and clear passage of all: "Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, 'I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life" (NLT).

Because Jesus is the source of life and light, when we are in relationship with Him, we are no longer blinded by the deceitfulness of sin. Instead, we have the light of His truth to lead us to the life He offers. The writer of Psalm 119:105 reveals this truth, describing God's Word as a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path.

Walking in the light of God's Word brings life to us individually but also provides the basis of genuine, life-giving fellowship with one another. Sin not only separates us from God; it also separates us from one another. But as we walk together in the light of God's truth, we can enjoy relationships that encourage and sustain us in our pursuit of God.

Questions For Application:

How do the verses in 1 John 1:5-7 challenge the false idea that we can continue in sin and remain in fellowship with God?

Psalm 119:105 (NLT) implies, that the word of God is a lamp to guide one's feet and a touch light for one's path." How does the light of God's Word illuminate the right paths for our lives?

Find out how sin destroys our relationships. And how walking in the light of God's truth can create a healthy relationships.


A. Confession –1 John 1:8-10:

The truth is, we continue to sin even after we are born again. Some examples:
✓ We allow fear to take the place of faith.
✓ We get angry and say hurtful words.
✓ We gossip about a coworker or fellow church member.
✓ We make unfair judgements about a situation we don't understand fully.
✓ We are apathetic to the suffering of a friend.

The list of sins could go on and on. When we don't regularly confess our sins, we hinder God's ongoing work in our lives. One of the best ways to stay in a close relationship with the Father is to read His Word and allow the light of His truth to shine a spotlight on our motives, words, and behaviours. Only then can we easily recognize our sinful behaviour and realize our need for confession. John emphatically said, that If anyone says he has no sin, such deceives himself or herself, and such doesn't have the truth. And such makes God a liar, and God's word is not in such a person.(1 John 1:8,10).

We need to be quick to respond to the conviction we feel. As we make confession a regular part of Our prayer life, we experience unbroken fellowship with our Creator. Any time we confess our sins to God, He will cleanse us (verse 9), lead us to right thinking, and help us to grow more like Christ.

Questions For Application:

What do we miss if we mistakenly think that confession is just for the moment of salvation?

How can we live with a repentant heart, one that is quick to confess our sins and ask God for His cleansing?

B. Our Advocate –1 John 2:1-2

First John 2:1 tells us, "We have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father (NLT). Let's look at Romans 8:31-34, which describes Jesus Christ's role as our lawyer.

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won't He also give us everything else? Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for His Own? No one for God Himself has given us right standing with Himself. Who then will condemn us? No one-for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honour at God's right hand, pleading for us" (NLT).

The verses that follow assure us that with Christ as our advocate, nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Jesus promised before His ascension that He would send another Advocate, the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-17). The Holy Spirit comforts us, leads us into truth, and convicts us of sin. Paul also told us the Holy Spirit helps us in out weakness and makes intercession for us "in harmony with God's own will" (Romans 8:26-27, NLT).

When we understand the Holy Spirit's role as our Advocate, we can be confident in His leading. Any time we experience His conviction, we can know He is leading us to confess our sins and experience the joy of renewed closeness with the Father.

Questions For Application:

Read Romans 8:31-39 aloud.
How is your faith strengthened by these verses?

How does understanding the Holy Spirit's role as our Advocate help us respond appropriately to His comfort, leading, and conviction?

How is the extravagant love of God demonstrated through
Jesus' atoning work?

Call to Discipleship

John knew without any doubt that Jesus--the eternal, living Word-came to cleanse us from our sin and provide a way for us to have true fellowship with the Father and with one another. Every one of us has sinned, and that sin separates us from God and others. This Fellowshipping with the Father starts when we accept Jesus Christ as God's only begotten Son, believe He died in our place, and confess our sins. He is faithful to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and enter into relationship with us. Not only does Jesus offer us relationship with Him, but the light of His truth also guides us and allows us to have genuine fellowship with other believers.

Ministry in Action:

Commit to telling one person about your relationship with the Father and the Son, and invite them to experience the same relationship you enjoy.

Invite someone from your church family whom you don't know well into your home for coffee or a meal. Make them feel welcome and encourage them to tell you about their faith journey.

Read the Gospel of John this week and take note of the experiences the apostle had with Jesus.

Consider the type of relationship they enjoyed with one another. Then apply those principles to discover the richness you can experience in fellowship with the Father and the Son.



The original production and publication of this extracts belongs exclusively to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria. We use it on permission
