sovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito in #hive-132410 • last year(ESP) Relato breve: “Al Volver” (ING) Short story: "On the Return"Versión Español FOTOsovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito in #hive-199420 • last year(ESP) Maqueta de Microscopio, Biología en casa (ING) Model Microscope, Biology at HomeVersión Español Bienvenidos a mi Blog… Gracias por su visita!!! Un cordial saludo a todas y todos mis amigos Hiverianos, feliz de poder estar nuevamente con ustedes en…sovebrito in #hive-132410 • last year(ESP) Relato breve: “Al Final del Día” (ING) Short story: "At the End of the Day".Versión Español Un cordial saludo a todas y todos mis amigos Hiverianos, feliz de poder estar nuevamente con ustedes en esta hermosa comunidad compartiendo líneas así que…sovebrito rebloggedannafenix in #hive-131951 • last yearLOS MIL ROSTROS DE MI INTERIOR (Es - En)![español - english blanco holos.png](sovebrito rebloggedmad-runner in #hive-146620 • last yearFocus giornaliero di Splinterlands con considerazioni varie, 18 ottobre 2023...Oggi si parte presto, strano, perché di solito negli ultimi tempi riesco a mettermi al computer a serata inoltrata, finalmente una giornata che probabilmente programmo come meglio cresovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito rebloggedplantpoweronhive in #hive-180569 • last yearIT'S OUR BIRTHDAY!Photo by Patrik Sykorasovebrito rebloggedfmbs25 in #hive-110372 • last yearTrying to dodge mercury retrograde [EN] // [ES]Hello everyone, I hope you are well here! And I will begin this publication by saying that Mercury and its retrogradation have given me all this week, hahaha, and yes, the week…sovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito rebloggedylich in #hive-193816 • last yearHit the Bongó, bongó player! || ¡Dale al bongó, bongosero!▶️ Watch on 3Speak The Bongo is the percussion instrumentsovebrito rebloggedlightcaptured in #hive-153349 • last yearPhotoFeed Contest - Black and White Photography"City mysteries". Sometimes, when I travel with my camera, I become a witness to some strange, bizarre and beautiful at the same time, places and details. Those are, however…sovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito rebloggedjetta.amaya in #hive-152524 • last yearA hot coffee to remind me.I grew up in the state of Táchira, a coffee producing region in the west of my country. Here childsovebrito rebloggedbuildawhale in #hive-167922 • last yearBurn PostAll author rewards (Hive and Tribe Tokens) automatically burned.sovebrito rebloggedlightcaptured in #hive-142159 • last yearRomanian ImpressionsToday, let's talk in pictures. Pictures from a traveling exhibition, let's call it that way. Impressions from one unforgettable summer photo travel to beautiful Romania. ![DDH_4958.jpg](sovebrito rebloggedderaaa in #hive-11060 • last yearAbsolutely Ridiculous!When I looked at the prompt topics of the week, I just knew a konk Nigerian was behind it because there is no way you would be here and not heard one ridiculous superstition…