PostsCommentsteungkulik in #hive-194913 • 19 days agoPhotography Lovers : My Flowers Just Started Growing Back In The PotGreetings of brotherhood to all my friends in the world. As my contribution to Photography Lovers Community by @castleberry . All friends, I got my flteungkulik in #hive-166168 • 20 days agoFungi Loversnatural mushrooms always make me continue to look for youGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. All my friends, natural mushrooms always make me continue to look for you. When I continue to seateungkulik in #hive-151327 • 21 days agoFungiFriday Challenge : Three Kilometers Walk While I'm HuntingGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. As my contribution to today's challenge in FungiFriday Challenge by @ewkaw . Dear friteungkulik in #hive-151327 • 28 days ago FungiFriday Challenge : When I was Hunting, I Almost Stepped on This Mushroom.Greetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. As my contribution to the FungiFriday Challenge by @ewkaw . Today I take the theme Wheteungkulik in #hive-194913 • last monthPhotography Lovers : Meeting In A Place I Don't Want While Hunting.Greetings Photography Lovers to all my friends in the world. As my contribution today for Photography Lover Community with the theme Meeting In A Plateungkulik in #hive-166168 • last monthFungi Lovers : Very Small But Cute White MushroomsGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. All friends, today as my contribution to Fungi Lovers Community with the theme of Veryteungkulik in #hive-194913 • last monthPhotography Lovers : One of the Hardwood Mushrooms and Can be EatenGreetings of friendship to all my friends. In photography for hunters in the wild. All friends, I found mushrooms growing on the branches of a jackteungkulik in #hive-194913 • last monthPhotography Lovers : Hunting for Illusory Shadows on Calm Water.After half an hour I noticed the picture of the trees and grass that were visible in the puddle. I smiled to myself when the water swayed, the trees andteungkulik in #hive-194913 • last monthPhotography Lovers : The Amazing Red SkyGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. Have a nice day and work. All my friends, I saw the redness of the clouds that really caught myteungkulik in #hive-151327 • last monthFungiFriday Challenge :One Get Three I Caught While HuntingGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. On this special day as my contribution to the **FungiFriday Challenge by @ewkaw. I took tteungkulik in #hive-130906 • last monthNature Observer : Dragonflies are one of the most widespread insects in the worldGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. Today I found an insect belonging to the Odonata nation. Maybe called [Dragonfly](teungkulik in #hive-194913 • 2 months agoPhotography Lovers : Nature always gives me extraordinary warmth.Greetings of friendship to all my friends throughout the universe. Today I got a small weed flower. A white flower that produces green fruit. The beteungkulik in #hive-194913 • 2 months agoPhotography Lovers : I Got Mushrooms Growing On My Chicken Coop PostsGreetings of friendship to all my friends all over the world. All my friends, I found two mushrooms growing on upright branches. The mushrooms Iteungkulik in #hive-130906 • 2 months agoNature Observer : Green Caterpillar EatingGreetings of friendship to all friends who are hunters in the wild. And also friends who love the environment throughout the universe, may you always beteungkulik in #hive-174695 • 2 months agoLIL-My contribution today is for the LMAC Image Library : Handcrafts from Banana Trunks and Coconut ShellsGreetings of brotherhood to all my friends in the world. As my contribution today for LMAC Image Library with the theme .Handcrafts from Banana Trunks and Coconut Shells .…teungkulik in #hive-174695 • 3 months agoLIL-My contribution today is for the LMAC Image Library : Three Types of Weeds Included in the Kingdom Plantae.Greetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. Today when I was hunting I got weeds that are included in the Kingdom Plante. My contribution to the LMAC Image Library…teungkulik in #hive-166168 • 3 months agoFungi Lovers : Mushrooms Hiding Behind Leaves During My Hunting TimeGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. From the beginning I have been searching and hunting for mushrooms in every area around where I liteungkulik in #hive-151327 • 3 months agoFungiFriday Challenge : It's Been a Long Time Since I've Seen You, When I Was Hunting.Greetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. As my contribution to the FungiFriday Challenge by @ewkaw with the theme It's Been ateungkulik in #hive-151327 • 3 months agoFungiFriday Challenge : Today Hunting Is The Most Tired Day I FeelGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. My contribution today in the FungiFriday Challenge by @ewkaw . My friends, in realitteungkulik in #hive-194913 • 4 months agoPhotography Lovers : The Beauty of Nature That I Can't Forget When HuntingGreetings of friendship to all my friends in the world. The flower season starts again when the rain arrives. There are so many flowers from weeds t