storygoddess in #hive-170798 • 23 days agoThe benefit of being proactive and open is what the factory enjoyed from the employees.bisolamih in #hive-170798 • 24 days agoWow I’m happy Amah told you about it and you guys found a solution to the factory issue That’s amazingkilvnrex in #hive-161155 • 24 days agoWell you won't know if you don't believe loljeclyn60 in #hive-170798 • 25 days agoThe more reason why friends should open up to each other. You never can know which suggestion will work for you.theinkwell in #hive-170798 • 26 days agohivebuzz in # • 26 days agoCongratulations @ubani! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s) You published more than 550 posts.Your next tafreewritehouse in #hive-161155 • 27 days agoWell said all that counts is you did you r best!theinkwell in #hive-170798 • 29 days agonancybriti1 in # • 29 days agoEven the best hunter can miss the hare! It wasn't your fault the girl didn't win, although you shouldn't have been such a show-off. Next time remember that you can't count the…