Hey everybody! 😊
How are you doing?
I´m good! Still excited about my first $RAVEN Holders drop last week, and that it went so well! 😄
Thanks so much for all this support! I am happy that you like it, and that you guys actually bought quite alot of packs! Woohoo! 🎉 Some Blending NFTs were already minted, but there are still low mint numbers available. 😉
So if you wanna buy packs with awesome NFTs in it made by @tygertyger, my girlfriend and me, go check it out!
Static Packs: https://neftyblocks.com/c/reignofraven/drops/119544
Animated Packs: https://neftyblocks.com/c/reignofraven/drops/119560
I had a little creative contest running back in May and now I want to announce the winners of this!
People should create either a gif, a meme or custom emojis for my discord server.
It was tough to chose the best 3, cause there are more than 3 that I would use. 😄
But here we go!
Made by @thekittygirl
Thanks alot for this! I love it and will use it in my Discord as a custom emoji.
She made alot other submissions. Here are a few of them which I will also use if I am allowed to. 😌
Made by @nane-qts
Thanks alot for your entries! I will use these too! :)
See also other submissions:
I just couldn´t manage to download and embed this into my post. It didn´t work. So please click on the link to see.
Made by @chaosmagic23
Thanks for this gif!!
I also like this one alot, but you didn´t send it as submission for the contest.
I hope I can use it anyways. 😃
Well, thanks guys for taking part in this contest. I will send your prizes out now! 😊
Each of you won 2000 Starbits, 15 PIZZA and 100 LVL!
Be prepared for more and bigger contests with bigger prizes in the future. 😄
See you soon guys! 💜
I am very thankful for everyone who supports me on my journey!!
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