Holders As Curators?

in #dhedge2 years ago


So I've been trying to decide how to use access vote power on our token accounts, and I think I have a solution. Allow holders to curate via comment command. Once I get it setup, a holder will be able to reply to a post or comment with !DHEDGE, and our token accounts will upvote the post based on what tags are used.

I'll have to figure out the exact numbers, but the goal will be to have enough tokens delegated to get away with 1-5% upvotes and still give out a reward.

Getting full use out of our token power will increase our production, and allow for more swap liquidity.


I like this! Will be waiting to hear when to begin using the command!

I'm hoping to get it set up this weekend and start with testing through the week with a release into the wilds (if all goes well) by next weekend.

During testing, the command should work for anyone who wants to test along with me.

Thanks for keeping me updated! 😘

Uhh, neat idea! :D

That's a great idea.

This sounds like a nice use! I'll have to check if I have any DHEDGE yet or if they're still on my to-be-aquired list :D

will there be a limitation for the holder to use the command? or minimum dhedge on the account to use the command? sound like a great idea.

Yes, also yes.

We don't want to drain the account or have a few people taking all the rewards... As to what those limits will be? I'm not 100% sure on that yet. I will need to do some testing first but I am aiming for a target of between 100-250 DHEDGE held in wallet per call, with an overall cap of around 10 calls per day per user.

So users would be aiming for a target of 1100-2500 DHEDGE to have full access to their benefits. Drips (unlock at 10, increase based on share), main post upvotes (unlock at 10, luck combined with share in vote round), thread votes (unlock at 100, max 11 per day for holding >=1100), and soon comment commands.


You're part of DHEDGE?

In short, yes.

I write all the code, come up with the ideas (some great, some not so fantastic), created the token, working on app.dhedge.cc...

I used to write code for more projects (brofi, utopis, sports, weed, cbi and whatever im forgetting), and was a lot more active, but I work 50 hours a week in construction now and have 4-7 kids depending on the day.

In short, you're very busy :)