Well done Hive Dollar HBD ! Still worth $1 USD

in #hbd2 years ago

The Hive Dollar has proved its mettle during this very Brutal Crypto sell off.

Well done HBD.


To prove that one has endurance and strength of character, or the necessary skills, abilities, or traits to succeed in something.


Incredible strength.


Mettle by Our Lady Peace.


How do we agree
How do we exceed
Places that our lives have taken
Sharpened instruments
Failed experiments
Faces of the occupation

Say that you can show me
You don't know me
You want to live oh?
Say that you can own me
You think you know me but you're wrong

Source: Musixmatch


Indeed an impressive achievement these days

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Kudos to the team ,this means they know what they are doing


How so? It dips well away from this value daily? This chart looks horrible for something that’s supposed to be “stable”


I’m team Hive through and through, but HBD sucks as a stable coin. It’s below .96 over half the time on this chart and the algorithm puts pressure on Hive to pump HBD back to 1.00 area. It’s not good and we should be honest about it.