Marriage is a life on its own

in #hive-1028792 months ago

Marriage is a life on its own.


Marriage is no easy feat. Everyone knows that. Plenty of storms and rough patches will come. But the real key is trusting your partner. Forgetting whatever has happened before and focusing on moving forward together as one.

When you and your spouse start that marriage journey, everything feels sweet like honey at first. Love is bubbling over. You feel like nothing could shake your bond. But as time goes on, troubles will arise.

Maybe financial difficulties get tough. Or work and children put too much stress on you both. Little misunderstandings start growing into big quarrels. Before you know it, the cracks in your bond have started forming.

It's in times like these that trust becomes most important. It's easy to remember all the past bad things and mistakes. Easy to carry grudges and pain in your heart. But if you and your spouse don't have trust, those cracks will only widen further.

True trust means you believe your partner still has your back, no matter what. Even when disagreements erupt, you know you'll work it out as a team. You're ready to forgive and not look back.

With real trust, you can overcome any problem facing your marriage. Money comes and goes, but trust is a constant. If you trust each other's motives and love, nothing can break your union.

My friend Sandy nearly lost her marriage because the issue of trust was shaken. Her husband traveled frequently for work and she started worrying he was cheating. The worry turned to jealousy and accusations. Shouting matches happened weekly.

Finally, Sandy's husband got fed up and moved out. It nearly became the end of the road for their marriage. Until Sandy realized all her worries and accusations stemmed from a lack of trust.

She apologized to her husband and opened her heart to trusting him again. She accepted that the frequent traveling was simply part of his work, nothing more. Once trust was re-established, everything in their marriage started healing.

These days, Sandy doesn't suspect or question her husband's movements. If he travels, she's happy and proud that he's hustling for their family. With trust, all those past jealousies have vanished.

For any marriage to stand strong, both partners must trust each other completely. Don't look back to old mistakes. Wake up every day with new hope and commitment. Weathering the storms becomes easier when trust grounds your love.

If trust is shaky in your marriage now, work on rebuilding it. Forgive, forget, start fresh. Decide to only see the good in your spouse from now on. Put trust first and watch as your marriage blossoms again. With real trust, nothing can break your bond.

Thank you for reading my post.


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Trust is one of the strongest foundations for any relationship, especially for a successful marriage.

Hello @wallay 🙋

Yes, usually marriages start with a lot of illusion, and that's why you have to take advantage of this favorable wind to create memories and experiences that will help to endure the difficult times later on.🌟

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Marriage is a beautiful thing and we should appreciate it. 💖

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