For this week's theme "DNA" , chosen by the @stickupboys, I wasn't sure at all what to do.
I had songs in my head for which I would have had to give those famous three letters a different meaning, however, practicing for upcoming Open Mics got me another idea, and here it is, a classic one of the 80s.
Suzanne Vega
I grew up with Suzanne Vega, although her songs were far too advanced for me having English only as a second language. I loved the melodies and her soft voice, but most of the lyrics were way over my head. The most famous one about abuse, Luka, was totally lost on me to begin with, but nowadays I would like to finally pick up a few of her songs, and have recently started learning "Tom's Diner".
Tom's Diner
I think a lot of her songs can be linked to DNA, most of them are about human nature in some way.
This one seems so simple, but what a great song it is about the mundane lives we all lead sometimes (or most days?); I love all those nuances of the story, all the little details she puts in the song about things that we often don't even notice going about our own business; things that we do automatically without thinking, but that are so natural: looking what others are doing, doing things absent mindely while thinking about something else.
It seems to be in our DNA to strive for better things, getting more interesting, richer, whatever, but at the same time are we really not that special; just people getting through our lives that we may or may not find boring. For myself I tend to lean towards the latter, just because.. 😄
Wrap Up
I admire song writers who can tell a good story; Suzanne Vega is one of them, and it's great that I can add her to my repertoire.
Hope, you like this one. Thanks everyone!
Thanks for looking!
All images are property of @anna-newkey, unless otherwise stated.
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