A rainy day.

in #hive-1063163 years ago

A Happy Friday and we were so thankful for the rain as it ended the heatwave.

Oh yes, the squirrels were wet, but thankfully it was only light rain with the sun shining through during intermittent breaks in the clouds.
Nevertheless it was wet and life went on.
Unexpectedly the little squirrel appeared at my study window to ask for some nuts.
Come and follow the story.

"Zac" he said, "In case you don't know it is raining and where's the nuts"

Happiness is!

I popped out during the rain breaks to take some photos in the garden.

Another little squirrel grabbed some nuts at the window and sat on the garden walk.

A wet goose sat on a street lamp post.

Just a lovely wet leaf with drops.

Finally, nature is used by the squirrel here as an umbrella.

Like I said above, life goes on and the rain will not stop the squirrels from eating as we have seen them before in even worse rain.
They know that full tummies will keep them warm.
Maybe the lesson to all of us here, is that during storms we must also fill our stomachs with food so that we can stay warm:)

In any case, the rain is gone today. The sun is up and the wind keeps things fairly cool as we are only peaking at 26C today.
Much more bearable than the past days that we had to cope with temperatures into the late 30C. That heat can certainly make anyone feel lame and listless and the sweat is a severe constant.

We hope that you have enjoyed the post and that everyone will have a great weekend.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


This are beautiful Pictures, i love to see animals Pictures and i always get that from your post, cant wait to see you jump on my blog

I'm happy that the heat wave is over and living is easier for you, Zac 😀

Oh yes, the wet squirrels look cute and plants or flowers with droplets are just beautiful, my friend 😊

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Thank you, but it's only temporary as you know my friend, as tomorrow we will be back into the 30Cs again.

Glad that you liked the squirrels and the droplets. Thank you.

Cheers and thanks.

Yep, but as I have said in the other reply, I hope that some rain clouds will come for a wet visit from time to time when it's too hot 🌧️

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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And like I said in the other reply, we are praying for rain my friend.
At this very moment we have two mountain passes closed due to fires. I can't get close, but I took two shots of the fire clouds from a distance.


Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Oh, it's burning again, that's bad. I hope nobody will get hurt and Mother Nature will send some rain clouds.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Burning down here in the south and flooding in the north of the country Hannes.
We are in a winter rainfall area so they say no hope for rain here.
But miracles can always happen 🙏

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Then let's hope for a miracle - they always happen everywhere, so why not having some Summer rainfall in South Africa 😃

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Oh we have much rain and floods during summer in South Africa my friend.
It just happens in the summer rainfall areas far away up north in the country and not down here.
We will only see rain again in winter.
I hope that I am wrong 😉

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


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Finally, break for hot wave. I like the rain in summer, it makes us breat. Also, the smell of thirsty soil is just great!

Oh yes, it was a very refreshing break and nothing nicer in a very hot summer like a fine drizzle of rain blown cold by the winds. It is like ice in a cool drink.