Time waits for no one.

in #hive-1063163 years ago

It's astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes it's toll.


So yet another Christmas day has arrived and we only hope the very best for all here on #hive

The headline is lyrics from a song titled The Time Warp by Richard O'Brien.

I want to focus this post on Father Time and it's essence in our lives. Yes, I am a wee bit experienced in time, as I have seen 67 Christmases now.
So, I wonder how each of you are looking at time, both past and present. Allow me to give you my view of time.

The mountains are almost as old as time. They have endured many serious storms in life over the ages.

Most of us find many bends in our roads in life and we wish for straight and easy roads.

But many only have short straight roads before they are taken away. So we should be thankful for the bends, as we are still alive to negotiate them, however painful they may seem to be.

Others like me have turned out frazzled by the effects of time, but yet we still endure, wiser and hopefully kinder as the years fly by.

Time waits for no one, it passes you by!
It goes faster, then a blink of an eye. One
thing for sure, you'll never catch up with it.
It's impossible to do. Whatever it may be,
rest assured it's always ahead of you.
Once it's passed, there's no way to hold
on. When it's on your side, make the most
of it, before it's gone. We all wished, we
had more time. Whether it was to finish a
job we didn't complete or reveal something,
to a loved one. To our way of thinking, there
was always enough time, to get it done.
Take time as needed. Don't let anything get
in your way. Above all, take advantage of
every moment you have. Never let it, slip

Audrey Heller

Time is fleeting as today we can see a little guy like this and in a month or two he will be no more.

So. We can go through life wasting time comfortably.

Or we can be alert and spend every minute of the day to it's full value.

Oh yes, there are many pitfalls and dangers in our roads, but should we take time to inspect them carefully, we will always find a way out.

I sincerely hope that my thoughts will make sense to you today. In our charity work we see so many souls that time has wasted. Or they have wasted time and so many even hate Christmas.
Many of us, or dare I say that all of us have suffered losses on our roads. For instance there are only two of my direct family left. Me and my elder sister.

But this has not stopped me from continuing on my road and the only way that I found to work for me is to be kind to all others and to only endure. Yes and to also spend every minute as productively as I can.
That's why my wife and others call me a Trojan and a workaholic.
What I know for sure is that every minute that passes us by, we will never get back again.

And that's all from me on this special day.

Be blessed everybody and may this new year be kind to all of us.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

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I think passing time is everyone's common enemy, especially if we're not good at handling time!

There are those however who understand the value of time and they use every allocated minute to be active in one way or another. But the majority of us like comfort and that's exactly where time passes us by.

🌠Merry Christmas
@papilloncharity !
🙏Prayers for a Healthy💞Happy💞Prosperous New Year💞

Merry christmas for you and your family.Pray peace and happy things will come to you

Thank you kindly and we hope that the new year will also have many blessings for you.


Although time is speeding at the moment, months and weeks are flying by, it still seems to go too slow when I think of the years I still have to work until I can retire 😂

The animals don't know time and they don't care. They are born and one day they die. The time between is used to learn to survive, have kids and enjoy the little breaks when the stomach is full and no enemy is around. Once we have been like that - why nomore?

I'm wishing you once more Merry Christmas, my friend, you guys are doing a great job, let's hope the next year will be better.

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

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Again?, I know that irritational feeling and the impatient thoughts that time should take it's time and hurry up. Nothing like waiting for a following year to fish school.
Or how's to wait for your last day in the army?
These are all that same anxious wait Hannes and when that last day arrives with great fanfare, then one starts to wonder what's next.

Only one answer to that and it has cost us dearly. They call the poison "Progress"
Animals don't strive after comfort, they simply go out and do their natural thing every day.
We want others to do our things for us, so that we can relax in comfort 😉

Christmas is gone and thank you my friend. I try now to be the first now to wish you a Happy New Year 😀

Cheers and thanks.

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Oh yes, I know it myself, but I can't help, I don't want to wait and I always know what's next, at least I think I know 🤣 !LOLZ

Humans are just ignorant and lazy animals.

Thanks, my friend, I'm wishing you guys also a happy and healthy and successful New Year 🤗

Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER

Hahaha, now that's the catch my friend, once you think that you know, then life plays a trick on you and it turns out to be totally different to what you expected 🤣

Nope, greedy ignorant animals 😉

Thank you for the wishes sire and we all hope for better things 🙏

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER

Thank you 😊

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