A lovely bird collection.

in #hive-1064443 years ago

A Happy Friday to all and I have a lovely variety to show you.

One thing that I don't like is having to go and search in my bulk files for photos. It is too hot here to go out and I have simply to make do with what I have. The problem is that I don't know which of the photos I have published before here in Hive and if you see any, please let me know so that I can edit them out.
In any case, I hope that you will enjoy the photos.

The first photo is of a Southern Double-collared sunbird.
Here below we have a Southern Robin-chat eating some seeds from a plant.

This below is a Cape Olive Thrush having a drink.

Here are two Robins, only joking as it is a reflection of the Robin.

A pair of Egyptian Geese flying in the early morning mist.

Finally, Harry and Sally our Egyptian geese and what was left of their babies. They had 12 originally, but the predators had a feast.

So I end on a sad note, but this is life and Mother nature has to feed all of her residents, so life goes on.
They are telling us that this summer now will be even hotter than the one before and everyone is worried about the weather. The oceans are getting hotter which spells doom for many of its inhabitants some of which are already washing out dead on our beaches.

It seems that with the Hive price fluctuations many of us are also suffering with low value posts, but at least it is expected and like the weather, there is nothing that you and I can do about it, except just carrying on posting.
So yes, life knocks us from all sides, but we are all fighters here on hive and we won't let it get us down.
That's why I opened the post with the words "Happy Friday", as in the midst of any storm in life, there is always light to be found.

So we hope that all of you will enjoy this Friday and have a lovely peaceful weekend.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


It is a sad note, but such is the circle of life.

To see if they have been used before online, you could always use Google image search:

Go to https://www.google.com/
click "images" at top right
click "camera icon"
click "upload image"
It should show you if and where the photo was used :)

Ah yes, thank you and I noted this method down long ago, but the note went on holiday somewhere and it never returned Lol.

Oh these are absolutely stunning. You have quite an eye for birds! Goodness. Love the Egyptian geese! Just look at those little fluff-balls 😍😍😍

Thank you and like I said elsewhere, I think that Mother nature has an eye on me 🤣
Sadly Harry and Sally lost all of their babies this season and we don't know if they will be back next season. Such is life.


Does refusing to go to the gym
count as resistance training?

Credit: marshmellowman
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The skin color of the first bird looks amazing and something can be seen on both sides of the bird. It thinks to me that the bird has pendants on its body. The collection of all the birds is really awesome.


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Waoooo... Nature can never be overemphasized 🙂

So true what you say here.



Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend, Zac, that's what I wish you two guys and all the animals that you share your home with 😀

It's sad, but every animal has a right to live and to eat what Mother Nature has thought it should eat, just as you said.

I have seen all these lovely birds in some of your posts before, my friend, but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen these photos 😀

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

Good afternoon Hannes,

Thank you for the kind wishes and we wish the same to all of you guys 😊

Yep nature rules itself very well without mankind's interference. It is since man and his greed started to interfere with nature, that we sit with the problems that we have now.

I Googled the photos and yes, you are right, as they are unpublished. Just one of my empty worries again and I seem to have many lately 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

Good afternoon Zac,

I hope you have a good Saturday and it's not very hot.

I don't think anyone would mind if you post an image twice, as long as it isn't in the same post 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER

What did the full glass say to the empty glass?
You look drunk!

Credit: hollowknightgod
@papilloncharity, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @johannpiber
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Good afternoon Hannes,

Saturday was hot, but thankfully there we have a bit of cloud today so tonight might be better.

I am used to post fresh photos that I get every day, but at times I am forced to go into the files and it's never an easy experience. But thank you and as long as the photos are my own there shouldn't be any beef 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

Good afternoon Zac,

I'm glad to hear that.

When I was posting daily I also have tried to have at least photos from the same week. You're right, as long as the images are yours it's very okay to post them again.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Good afternoon Hannes,

Glad that you agree with me as it is always nice to get a new fresh photo on the day to post.
The previous evening's photos are also nice to post the next day like I did with my post today.

I have not forgotten an incident long ago where I was accused of publishing a photo that was published before on FB, but it was corrected as I published the photo and they didn't know that my name is Zac Smith and they thought it was someone else 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Good afternoon Zac,

oh yes, but it was also quite stressful for me sometimes - work till the afternoon and then drive somewhere, take photos, get home, edit photos and make a post on time at 7pm. I was a lot of fun though 😉

Now I usually post the photos I have taken in the past week or so. Tonight I will even post a poto from last winter.

I have had about the same problem on the other blockchain with my heart shaped photo, although I have published the photo also under my real name, but with a space between forename and surname 🤣 !LOLZ

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Chuck Norris once went on a bicycle ride
and accidentially won the Tour de France.

Credit: blumela
@papilloncharity, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @johannpiber
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Good evening Hannes,

I know all that you are talking about as we also pulled 8am to 5pm jobs at the beginning, taking photos at lunch time, then getting home to post, but my saving grace was that I didn't need to edit. Really fun, but nowadays not so much anymore methinks.

I will visit your post for sure.

Again you know what I am talking about and not one of us were guilty about anything.
But it is good to know that they are keeping an eye on things.
One guy even placed a comment that I could lose all of my hard word because of one plagiarized move.
I don't think that I answered him, as it was and still is my own photo 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

Chuck Norris once went on a bicycle ride
and accidentially won the Tour de France.

Credit: blumela
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Three men walk into a bar.
You would think at least one of them would have seen it.

Credit: hhayweaver
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Why did everyone enjoy the volcano?
It was just so lava-able.

Credit: belhaven14
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So beautiful 🙏🌹🙏🙏🌹🌹

Thank you.