Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Edition 49

in #hive-1064444 months ago

I would love to thank everyone who makes this game so much fun :) This includes everyone who has supported the contest, and most of all those who entered. You are so awesome!

We are going to be offering three choices for you to use as a prompt this week - and while you can only win one prize, you can write a story about more than one picture if you want. In fact, write as many stories as you like! It will increase your chances of winning! Or just choose the one that calls to you!

Also please note that if you have an image posted in the Feathered Friends community, and feel it would be a good fit for this contest, you should let me know so I can use it next time :)

Collage made in Canva using the images sourced below.

Full credit for the images goes to the following authors and posts, please show them some love!

Sunbird by @hadrianwild :

Cranes by @melinda010100 :

For this week, let's each try to tag at least two good friends who we know would love to play. Share the love, and make the contest even bigger.
@wesphilben @princessbusayo @snook can we please see yours this week?

There are only a couple of guidelines you should follow for this contest:
Your story should be in the comment section of this post.
Your story should have a title.
Have fun!

@melinda010100 and the community account Hive-106444 and your upvotes generously provide the prizes for this challenge. There is a reward pool of 8 HIVE and 1000 ecency points for our winners.

We have an extra pool of 8 HIVE per month donated by @dreemsteem. Join me in thanking @melinda010100 @dswigle and @dreemsteem @gornat @archon for the extra prizes.
First prize is 3 Hive
Second prize 2 Hive
Third prize is 1 Hive
Engagement 1 Hive
Special mention 1 Hive

Ecency points will be awarded to participants based on their contribution to this edition of the challenge. Prizes will be added as needed.

Post rewards go towards supporting the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story prize fund.

Kindly note that this edition will end at the time of payout.

The winners will be announced after the payout of this post. Deadline for entries is at payout.

Keep your entries coming in. Please tag your friends and let's meet in the comment section. If you think you might have posted a photo that would be a good fit, let me know! Please note, it must have its own post in the Feathered Friends community to be eligible. All images used will be displayed with a link to the original post, as well as a mention so the author can come check it out, and hopefully make up a story.

Keep your eyes 👀 peeled and look for my post announcing the winners of this edition.

I look forward to reading your stories as always. Kindly note that while we welcome your stories and interaction with participants in the comment section, leaving spam comments like 'nice picture' are not acceptable and will not be rewarded.

Check out @nelinoeva 's contest Show me a photo challenge

@barbara-orenya also feature the best posts in her Featured feathered friends compilation and helps you get more exposure. So, get your photographs in ASAP.

Also, I would like to thank Archon for their kindness and support 🙌

Thank you everyone for your kind support and participation. Those who have already participated or have requested a tag:
@chocolatescorpi @khoola @umirais @ayesha-malika @chincoculbert @cmplxty @pibara @gemstone @beeber @mineopoly @mynatasha @jacoalberts @doziekash @taufar @otuyanancy @kemmyb @enginewitty (for you and your girls) @littlebee4 @thequizshow @marito74 @eylz619 @itsostylish @lesmann @vikbuddy @lxsxl @tattoodjay @daniky @cescajove @queenstarr @ninahaskin @elentogether @sammy00 @farm-mom @orikkot @papilloncharity @bayuismail @corvidae @phoenixwren @jacobtothe @samsmith1971 @joetunex @juliamulcahy @insaneworks @ninahaskin @bloghound @faisalhanafih @katleya @embunpagi @zhanavic69 @annymharie @chromiumone @mcyusuf @flaxz @dswigle @sayofunmi @olawalium @flaxz.alive @flaxz @tengolotodo @heskay @nkemakonam89 @naniplayergamer @samsmith1971 @silversaver888 @stevemuis @popurri @soyunasantacruz @nickydee @sagesigma @seeger @buckaroobaby @cute-cactus @balikis95 @killerwot @humbe @redheadpei @hindavi @tali72 @florian-glechner @ganjafarmer @meesterboom @ellenripley @gornat @abelfotografia @dandays @ninahaskin @aideleijoie @digitalis @sunscape @opidia @irvet @blueeyes8960 @emiliorios @frazfrea @contestbox42 @hadrianwild @aiuna @arc7icwolf @litguru @borniet @lightpen @grocko @emreal @idlemind @emrysjobber @dwixer @ladyfoth @ganjafarmer @elisaday7 @rare-gem @agmoore

If you would like to be added or removed from the tags, please ask :)


Dudu bird and banana island🌸

For many, in a forest, a small family of Sol birds got up every morning to roam the landscape in search of the rich nectar of the flowers and share their food with each other. However, one day something very strange began to happen to all the flowers in the region, and they began to dry up as if a curse had fallen upon them. All that tragedy saddened the birds, especially little Dudu, the most adventurous young bird in the family.
When Dudu looked at what was happening, he wanted to make jokes about it; however, nothing he did caused smiles. On the contrary, his attitude annoyed his father, who flapped his wings and with a loud voice expelled him from that region. It tore Dudu's heart out, his own father had turned his back on him, just because he did not know how to measure his comments. Sad and lonely, it was something his flight as far as possible, with a lot of discomfort. That flight made him realize what a terrible thing happened to flowers.
As she reached one of the flowers, she noticed a bee fluttering near her, making a loud sound like a call. It was the queen of a honeycomb, calling her army to look elsewhere. That spectacle attracted the attention of Dudu, who curiously went out after that army. The buzzing of the bees could be heard far away, all of them were joyfully singing a song, it seemed that they were not afraid of what was happening.
The queen bee noticed the pursuit of the little bird and ordered her bees to make a barrier for the Dudu, just to talk to him.
The bee noticed that the bird was unaccompanied, so she decided to accept his company, asking the bees to keep the peace between them and Dudu.
After a long flight, Dudu realized that the bees were going to an island full of wild fruits and orchids, surrounded by rivers and dense jungle.
Dudu was amazed, he had never seen such a garden, although his heart was pounding with fear, he went down and found a delicacy in a banana plant, where a juicy liquid showed up, it was Nectar that came out, there he did not have to open holes to take it out as in other flowers, just with his beak was enough to savor this new gift of nature.
Dudu traveled home, a little frightened by what his father had told him. When he arrived home, his father hugged him and asked him to forgive him for that day. He cried hugging him, bringing the good news.
The birds did not doubt him, they all took flight until they themselves saw the wonderful banana island, a home for all.
Dudu, grateful to his father, understood that sometimes there are situations that move us to a better place. That staying stuck in pain doesn't let you see the opportunities that pass in front of you like bees. Getting out of comfort is painful, momentary, but it pushes us to risk taking new challenges.
That adventure of Dudu the bird brought joy to his family, an island full of nectar.

Thank you for the mention @wrestlingdesires. Looks like I need to make my creative juice flow again.

Definitely - your work is first rate too :)


@idlemind! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ wrestlingdesires. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

You are out of jokes for the day!

@wrestlingdesires you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 8 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

Thank you for your kind opinion about my work. Your gifts are also appreciated. :)

Thanks for choosing my photo for one of the story prompts!

I love that they had a story about helping a baby whale. Lol

Congratulations @wrestlingdesires! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You distributed more than 12000 upvotes.
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Check out our last posts:

Rebuilding HiveBuzz: The Challenges Towards Recovery


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(2/15) tipped @idlemind
wrestlingdesires tipped emiliorios
wrestlingdesires tipped memess.fun

Thanks for the invitation my friend @wrestlingdesires

My pleasure, I can't wait to see your entry :)


Thank you, so much!

Have you heard about the Angel of Death that’s not so intelligent?
The Dim Reaper?

Credit: reddit
@emiliorios, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of wrestlingdesires

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Thanks so much!

@emiliorios! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ wrestlingdesires. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Really looking forward looking the entrys, if they use #fun/#funny would love to get them a cheers vote

That would be great 🙌


memess.fun, wrestlingdesires sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

@memess.fun! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ wrestlingdesires. (10/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


Hello, here is my story.
Title: "Alfredito and the cranes".
Alfredito was a sunbird who lived in a tropical coastal town, with a lot of diversity of flora and fauna. In this one you could walk from a lush, cloudy and humid jungle to a desert with lots of sun and beach. Its food source was mainly flower nectar, and it also ate the occasional insect.
From the top of the bushes and other plants he could see the beach.
One day he was on the flowers of a banana plant furtively sipping nectar, turning around and perching on a leaf to rest from time to time. There he thought: "fortunately I can feed on nectar in the same position that the bats taught me. The cranes, on the other hand, look at the sea with hunched shoulders thinking that the water is still too cold to go hunting, poor things, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes".
Thus, without knowing with certainty the reason for the inaction of those long-legged white seabirds, he continued to live his happy life, from flower to flower, sometimes making holes to reach the calyx faster without passing through the stamens, that is, without paying.

Thank you very much @wrestlingdesires and other members of Feathered friends for giving me the joy of participating in this beautiful contest. I invite @nurul-uli, @matadonya and @wenggo, to encourage them to do it too.

Alfredito has a happy life because he loves what he does. I love that message.
It's very nice your story @elentogheter🍃

Thanks @popurri, I'm very glad you liked it. 🙂


Title: In A Time Of Famine

It was the 10th month in the same year that famine had hit the land of Pluto. The streams went dry and the fruits dried up. The only choice left for the birds in Pluto was to travel miles in search of a land where the famine wasn't severe. The fear of hunters hindered them from taking this trip

"Our chances of survival are rare, it's better to die of starvation than to be brought down by the Hunter's bullet" the king had said during the discussion and this brought fear upon them except for Reco who was determined not to die of hunger.

The following morning Reco traveled miles until he found a land where the plantations had flaccid plantains. No hunter seemed to lurk around the place, nor were human habitation nearby. Reco mounted a nest there , happy to have found a place with plantains he could feed on, and this place became his new home.

Inviting @emreal @iyimoga . I believe you'll like to participate in this short story contest.

Sweet ending. And excellent message for readers @dwixer

Thank You fam.

When we choose not to give up, opportunities will be forced to open up into us. Reco was a brave guy, kudus to him.

Thanks for the tag boss

Bravery often pays at the end

That's for sure daddy

Good message. Not giving up allowed Reco to find a home with enough food and survive.
Gretings @dwixer

Yeah, there's always a reward for bravery