I have spent some years in the poultry business and I have much experience when it comes with boilers. Since when I was in the high school I have been in this business.
And to have a successful production in poultry business, there are some thing that must be taken for granted or even overlooked when it comes to poultry business. The birds are very fragile and are prune to different diseases of which when they are not well taken care of.
To have a successful production and not having some causality during the process of breeding them, the following should to watch out for and followed.
- Where you buy the birds: when buying the birds, make sure you know the history of there production or you can ask around if there production are always good before patronizing them because there are some birds if there birds are not good or not that good, there is no amount of food given that will make them grow faster. A friend of mine who have such case run at a loss because the birds are eating but the food is not showing from there body that is no result.
Good food and water: Feeding the birds at the right time is very important. Using quality feed and good water helps to be healthy and reach table size on time. There food must contain all the essential nutrient needed.
Neat Environment: So as not to record causality from your birds always make sure that there environment is always neat. When you notice that the sawdust you are using is already mix up with there excrete change it on time because there are some micro organism that might hide inside it and causing great issue for the birds.
Taking of drugs: giving of drugs to the birds is important. when you notice any kind of symptoms from the birds always be an observant person so as to notice them on time. When you see that the birds are not eating the way they use to or they excrete is changing colour or become red always give them drugs on time so that they will not died. There are some time that they need to be given some vaccine so as to prevent them from having or contacting diseases. When care and drugs is given at the right time , it helps the birds to be healthy and strong at all time.
6.Know the people you will sell to: Many times I have issue with the people I want to sell to that is before you want to start your production always know your market that is people who you will sell to. Some buy life weight while some buy after the feather have been removed and the price they buy life weight and when the feather are removed is different. Know the weight your customers want so that at the end of the day you will not run at a loss.