Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #28

in #hive-1092886 days ago

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

Pieces of Me: Reclaiming My Life Through Emotional Healing by @priyanarc

Lately, I have been struggling to find words to write or even a topic to focus on. My mind has gone blank, and I really am not sure what I want to say or share. Many times, I feel that people are too caught up in their own lives to care genuinely, or maybe I am just confused about it all. It's just that nothing is going on in my life, whereas, in fact, I do have a lot going on and find myself in one overwhelming situation after another. I shared with my therapist my thoughts, and she reassured me that the confusion was normal

#ThoughtfulDailyPost - Goals and Scientific Poetry by @zekepickleman

One more thoughfuldailypost before I escape into paradise for a long weekend! @Wesphilbin waves the @thoughtfulposts flag for us as the curation account that rewards them thoughtful posts. Please consider delegating if you are the thoughtful type and want to encourage people to share their positivity. Here are a couple quotes from a couple goats that made me pause, ponder, and discuss for thoughtfuldailypost. Now with added matched music fun

Of Bunnies, Books and Boys: September 24 2024 by @jayna

Well that was fun. I got hit with a migraine at the end of the workday that made me very woozy. Migraines for me involve no headache, but a sparkling aura that takes over my vision. So like any sensible actifitter, I drank some water and went out for a walk. It was an absolutely gorgeous evening

Grief Coming in Waves by @riverflows

I have been so extraordinarily lucky to have never lost a person so close to me that it shattered my heart. However, because of this, grief has knocked me sideways. This morning I woke up and could barely function, moving through the checklist of remedies. No coffee, sun on my face, dancing to reggae. Yesterday the ban broke down in town and Jamie had to get a tow truck back, so I couldn't run to the ocean as I normally would

Strength In Resilience! by @luchyl

The challenges, failures and setbacks faced in this journey of life can make one loose hope and even think of giving up on their dreams and set goals. They'll be like since this isn't working out after putting in my all, why continue? . If you are in this situation right now, let me remind you that; You've come so far in life to give up now. No matter how hard the journey of life gets, giving up is never the better option

Rainy days; not enough to drown me. by @balikis95

There's always this sort of peace that shows its presence in your life when you are stable in life, especially when it is raining. With a cup of coffee in your hands or books as you watch the way the rain hit your window pane. I don't know about you, but for me, there's beauty in that. It is one way to calm our hearts and think about the things we've overcome to get where we are right now. Watching the rain can bring in a lot of emotions for us

My thoughtfulness - thoughtful prompt by @drhakam

Hey everyone. The prompt has asked a very deep question, one that we don't really understand or give importance to. I have a few things which came to my mind when I read this promt. I do create thoughtfulness as an individual and I have my ways for that. One of the major things that I do to create thoughtfulness around myself as an individual is listening

Esp/Eng Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #13: In all times ⏲️ loves the friend, and, he is like a brother in time of trouble! by @yessi08

ESPAÑOL Feliz noche amigos de esta grandiosa comunidad, estoy agradecida de estar nuevamente por acá con ustedes, ésta semana con un tema interesante: La sangre es más espesa que el agua"... Un modismo que, básicamente, significa; nuestras relaciones personales y las cosas que hacemos. son menos importantes que la familia. ¿Estás de acuerdo? Si no

Prompt #14 (Thoughtfulness): Appreciation in Life by @alyssum07

What does being a thoughtful person mean? It is being thoughtful of oneself, considering how your actions and words affect other people's feelings. There are many ways to be thoughtful. It is either gratitude for giving gifts to other people for certain occasions, like birthdays or Christmas gifts, or even being mindful of your words so that you won't hurt that certain individual's feelings, listening to other people's problems, and offering help, comfort, and compliments. Even though you are genuine about considering others, there are negative aspects as well

Stand by the weak people. by @nahid43

Actually in this world at present we see that everyone is acting selfishly. In fact, if we always move around knowing our own privileges, then others who are in the poor class will live much harder days. If we try to act like ourselves and always struggle to provide for our families, we will be selfish as humans. In fact, just as people lived together in ancient times and always came forward to help each other, in the present time, if we come forward to help each other and share each other's happiness and sorrow, then we can save our existence. In fact, now we live only in the name of the father

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!