Its already 3 days since my birthday post and i need to keep up my routine so i can build up my Hive account before time escapes too quickly.
That said, the Dcrops season just ended and due to it being the Easter special, i have sold a huge amount of crops that i had saved, so that i can get a huge lump sum of shares. And the result is one of my highest positions so far.
And as my reward, its a pretty juicy 3900 crop tokens. A healthy number id say, but id really love to be able to score this high every season. Unfortunately that wont be possible, since my farm is not monster enough yet, to accrue that many shares every season.
With the Easter special event (3 Year Anniversary) still active, it was a great time for me to buy some packs. Went a little crazy and bought the 100 packs, to get some extra packs. My luck opening packs has not been great....
I got some...
So now i have 3, which comes in handy so i can use my blender and make some Paprika.
I also got...
A blueprint, which are both Legendary, for an Oven and a Stove. Both will be hard to build because i just built a couple things recently, and it takes quite a bit of expenses to get the parts needed for these items.
And because ive been hammering my debts and trying not to trade the market too much, im on a bit of a budget. Otherwise id love to buy a bunch of things necessary to build a huge farm, but for now i will have to focus.....with extreme patience.
Newest Craft....THE FRIDGE
And so now i am able to make Ice, which will also help to keep my Blender busy.
My 3 main pieces of equipment so far, is the Fridge, the Blender, and the Bee Hive, all built on a trinity plot to get that sweet bonus. Its nice to get thise extra items when the bonus hits, but i need some more good luck.
My next update ill talk TREE....situation.
Lets keep rockin!