Fake Meat is Fake No Matter How You Put It

in #hive-1223152 months ago

I was a vegetarian during a period in my life, around ages 20 to 25 or 26, when I believed that abstaining from meat was healthy for my well-being and for the welfare of animals. Little did I know that the documentaries I watched during that time, claiming that meat was unhealthy, were actually sponsored by those promoting vegetarian and vegan diets.

These individuals manipulate information by taking it out of context and presenting it as a whole, which led me to "reward" myself with excess body fat during those years, some of which still lingers. I'm not an advocate for meat-eating diets or against anyone who chooses to follow a vegetarian or vegan path. We're all adults, and it's our responsibility to decide what's best for our health.

I consider myself an omnivore and strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There's ample evidence supporting the benefits of consuming meat, and even some vegetarians may be jeopardizing their health by making the wrong choices. This post isn't about that, though. It's about the agenda behind fake meat.


Bill Gates, a self-proclaimed vegetarian with a notable belly, is a prominent advocate for fake meat and has invested in companies producing these products. It's troubling to note that some of these alternatives have been linked to cancer, but that's a topic for another post.

So, what's the problem with fake meat, and why might vegetarians be harming themselves by consuming it? The main issue is that these products are simply a mixture of chemicals and plant-based ingredients, lacking essential nutrients and contributing to various diseases.

When I think of meat, I think of protein, but it's just one aspect of its nutritional value. Meat is packed with vitamins, amino acids, and other vital nutrients that are hard to find in plants. Red meat, in particular, offers a unique combination of nutrients that can be beneficial when consumed in moderation.

The problem with vegetarians eating fake meat is that they mistakenly believe they can maintain a healthy diet without meat. In reality, they need to consume more food to cover their calorie and nutrient needs than an omnivore would.

The real agenda behind fake meat is about controlling the food supply. By monopolizing food factories, a select group can exert significant influence over individuals' lives. During the pandemic, the likes of Bill Gates have demonstrated their desire to control what enters our bodies, and food is a crucial component of that.

The push to eliminate small-scale farming and individual food production is part of this effort to gain total control over our lives. In my country, recent legislation has restricted fishing with more than two rods and a five-kilogram limit, which I find outrageous. It's clear that these individuals will stop at nothing to exert their control, and we must be vigilant and resist.

Thanks for your attention,


Thank you! Glad you woke up from the veggie state 😆

Long time ago.

It's still a very important step 😁

Protein sure is getting expensive, I never tried the fake stuff as it reminds me of how hotdogs are made.😟

I haven’t ate hot dogs after I saw how they’re made. Same for Md Donalds.